Chapter 12

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Hi I haven't made a story in a while, I had to do school work and make my plots better and think them through

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Hi I haven't made a story in a while, I had to do school work and make my plots better and think them through. I miss this story, UHH THIS CHAPTER IS JUST ABOUT RAVEN AND DICK ONLY BEING IN THIS.
This cover is perfect for this chapter

When in his final breaths, his final thoughts. The name he speaks, Raven. No matter the situation, no matter what he will always love her right? I mean after all it always comes back no matter what she does. No matter what has happened to him, he always finds himself falling for her. His heart grows like a blooming flower for her. Now Raven knows fully but would she ever be with him? She's dangerous, what if her evil self just kills him?

Raven hasn't left the infirmary for a week, she would only leave when had to or was needed by the other Titans. Dick's healing was something she wanted his body to do. There has been alarms and trouble at the Jump City. But every alarm that went off in the Teen Titan building. Dick wouldn't move a muscle in the bed, nothing made him move. The only sound that could be made from him was his breathing. Raven wouldn't eat as much as she would want to.

Raven was sitting on a seat next to him, he still looks beautiful as ever. She admires his handsome eye shape, his jawline, his skin. Raven holds his hand tightly with both of her hands. She smiles softly at the sight of Dick peacefully sleeping. She knew something was up with Aurora, she felt it. That look on Auroras face the second she was all over Dick. Her suspicions were true, Raven knew she would trap Dick.

It was only a matter of time when she gets her chance to, Raven's hand starts to tightly squeeze his hand without her realizing. Even though, she killed Aurora in cold blood. Throwing her into space and watching her suffocate, over and over again until she felt satisfied. She loved watching her stuffer, she loved the power she felt. She loved the growing Darkness that has taken over her mind. She wants to do the same things again to Aurora, she wants more of an excuse to hurt more people like that again.

After what Aurora did to Dick, there was no way she was going to let her live. She would've listened to Dick. She should've but she couldn't stop herself. She didn't know what she became. But what Aurora did. She deserves unless suffering. Ravens thoughts grow more dark as she looks at Dick. The pain he could possibly be in when he wakes up, how his heart will feel horrible due to Aurora not knowing how to leave her Dick Grayson alone.

Darkness cues into the room like a shadow, Raven's soul self grows tall and mighty behind her as she gets more drown into her thoughts. She's so drawn to to being dark. A growing lust, harder to fight more than ever. Raven notices Dick's hand starts to turn black, Raven quickly pulls away noticing what she was doing to his hand. Lost in her dark thoughts to be the cause of that.

Her heart quickly races and her breathing becomes heavy, she's becoming unaware of her actions. What she's doing. She needs to be in control, Raven looks at his hand and it's all gone. "It went away so quickly." She whispers staring at his hand, it's not likely for it go away so soon. She crosses her legs and scoots closer to Dick. She puts his hand on her face and she closes her eyes. She smiles deeply as she thinks of his smile, their interaction they had before he passed out right in front of her.

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