Chapter 15

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Okay I actually want to know what happens

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Okay I actually want to know what happens. So I won't jump to things😕
I'm going to make Raven a jealous person because it adds drama and some spice🤗 she isn't actually a jealous person comic wise so ITLL BE DIFFERENT

"So what are we?" Dick sits up from Raven's bed and hunches over, he starts to feel a little nervous at Raven's quietness. Raven quickly walks over to him and it makes Dick stand up on her bed and stays on the opposite side of her. "Dick..." her hair covers her eyes and her face. She is looking down and doesn't even have to know where he is.

She flies over to him making him jump back and land back on the bed. "Raven...uh what are we?" He still can't see her face and all he can think of is the Ring movie. Dick's heart beats fast out of fear, he smiles trying to make her smile. But it doesn't work, "I'm annoyed at you for making that spell. Read next time, I need you to remember next time."

Dick quickly nods and he tries to get away by slowly crawling away from her. But she grabs his ankles and then his thighs. He starts screaming, "Raven please spare me!!" He covers his face, but he hears laughter from Raven. She was looking completely down but now she was looking forward.

He chuckles nervously while looking around but stops once he takes a look at her. Her hair is out of her face exposing her gorgeous face, her eyes squint. Dick examines her beautiful skin, stuck in a trance of her beautiful laughter. Raven calms down "God it was so funny how scared you get of me." She looks at him and he wasn't saying anything, he quickly looks away blushing from her catching him.

He smiles widely, he looks to Raven smiling and crossing her arms. "I-I'm sorry for looking and not reading Rachel." He says looking up at her, all of his worries are gone when he's looking at her. He could stare at her for hours, stuck in his thoughts he remembers Raven completely ignored his question.

He sits up on the edge of the bed that Raven was touching, her legs slightly touch his. He points at her, "you didn't answer my question." He puts his hand down and Raven feels herself get nervous. "I need to get myself a little more in check then we can be whatever you want us to be." She blushes staring at him.

His heart beats faster at what she said, he can feel butterflies attacking his stomach. He can feel himself feel so excited, he wants to call her his already. He wants to hold her and date, he will wait as long as she needs to. He can see Raven fidget and she walks away to her window. She sees him through the mirror of the window on her bed.

He gets up and slowly walks to her, "say you want to be with me." Raven tries not to smile but she can't stop it, she puts her hood on to cover any hint of her smile. "Yes, I want to be with you Dick Grayson." She covers her mouth trying to contain herself but she can't because she sees Dick dancing around and he runs out of her room.

Dick runs around outside of Raven's room and around the GPS room. He stops for a second "YES!" He looks up and puts his hands together, then he runs right back to her room. as he feels like he has so much energy, this is the most happiest he's felt in a while. He feels like he can fly and touch the beautiful skies. His heart, his feelings can't be described about how he feels about everyhing. He quickly stops when he gets back to Raven's room. He walks slowly and leans on her door frame, he clears his throat. "About time you admit it Rachel Roth." He smugly says, Raven looks at Dick to see he is smirking.

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