Chapter 8

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This picture of raven will be very important to know for later on in this chapter 🤗🥺 I'm not entirely sure if Raven full white is the strongest or her here

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This picture of raven will be very important to know for later on in this chapter 🤗🥺
I'm not entirely sure if Raven full white is the strongest or her here. Raven is completely evil when she reaches her full potential so like idk. I'm assuming it's this version.

Batman turns to the big beautiful hotel called Hyatt Hotel, it stunned Raven for a second as she takes in everything. There's a huge roundabout with the beautiful lake in the middle of Superman? Interesting. There's a bunch of trees and grass around the roundabout. With the hotel surrounding the area, with beautiful big windows indicating each room. "I remember, room 2004 is where they are located." Batman gets out of his Batmobile, and people come rushing to him taking pictures. "This was a bad idea, Raven I'll meet you there from coming another way. Don't go in without me." Raven nods and teleports in front of 2004. Escaping those people.

Raven can feel her heartbeat out of her chest getting close to the door. She steps closer and sees the possibilities of what can happen. There's no one inside the other side of the door, she doesn't feel anything but she feels someone. Their emotions of defeat. Rachel wastes no time by teleporting inside where she feels those emotions. It's Dick. He is in a barely lit room with concrete walls and flooring. The room is cold and eerie as she squints to make out Nightwing's figure.

Seeing Dick made her feel a wave of relief, all of her dark thoughts quieting away. But a bit of panic quickly sets in again as she gets closer. She sees he's been tied tightly to a chair with a gas mask over his head. He wasn't moving at all and his body looked weak, his suit completely ripped and bloody. She will kill whoever did this, she will destroy Gotham whole and hang every villan by their head to show there is no mercy in her anymore. She was merciful enough to hold back her power but no more of that. Not anymore.

Drowned in her thoughts, she quickly snaps out of it and rushes to Nightwing grabbing his face. She takes off the gas mask only to be met with an unconscious Dick. "Wake up please." She flings the mask across the room "Please, I love you." She cries out. She starts undoing the tight knots around his wrists and body. "This can't be right.. I knew the future, I know he is alive, why didn't I see this..?" The Raven keeps fighting thoughts in her head as she looks at the unresponsive Nightwing.

He's not waking up as quickly as she wants, she can't sense any emotions. Nothing it's all faint, Raven starts screaming and falls to the floor as she grows even more distressed. The ground starts shaking and she starts getting intense visions of the future and what will come. Her destroying and becoming the ultimate ruler, her appearance becomes more distorted and more devil-like due to her father, chaos surrounds her. The flooring around her turning complete black around her like a virus spread. Whispers echos around the dark room. With her almost right there to embrace her emotions completely and let it swallow her whole, letting her complete evil side take over.

Nightwing wakes up and sees Raven. He gasps and picks himself up and off the chair the best he could. He's weak. She quickly turns around at the sound. Everything slowly goes away, the shock on her face. Her appearance slowly turning back, the wave of relief has gone over her. She's happy to see him alive, this gives her a second to realize the power Dick has over her. It's something she's not still a fan of.

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