Chapter 7

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Raven is so cool and she looks fine asf

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Raven is so cool and she looks fine asf. My favorite character of all time is anakin skywalker

This past week has been the whole team questioning and wondering what happened to Dick. He obviously was acting like he didn't even know Raven.
But Rachel herself hasn't been doing well at all being more cooped up in her room. Eventually the titans bring her out and cheer her up. She starts realizing that Dick isn't really Dick when she was out with the other Titans. It is more clear to the other titans suspicion when Raven has brought up the change in him.

Making the team willing spy on Grayson. When they are done spying on him, they were able to gather information and plan to do a meet up in Jump City away from the tower. In a park away from others but around some type of food. Showing the city and all its beauty, families in the distance. It makes Raven feel warm inside when seeing those families, her remembering this is one of the reasons she protects Jump City and all of it. Victor is the first speak up implying that Dick could possibly be an illusion. From gather evidence he plastered on the table.

Which leaves raven in a very troubled mental state. Her mind running and immediately thinking that her dreams are all true. Kory places her hand on ravens shoulder that suddenly quiets out all thoughts, "Or maybe he is under a hypnotic spell, maybe one of his enemies got to him and that's why he is the way he is to everyone." Each Titan takes a glance at one another, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Garfield says louder than the rest, "no probably not." Raven sighs.

"We kidnap this possible "imposter" of Dick Grayson and take him to Gotham to talk to Batman about what's going on! I think.."

"Hmm for the second time Garfield, I like your idea." Raven smiles a tiny bit, "but what if-" Kory tries to interject but is quickly shut down with the looks given towards her, which makes her cheek a slight pink with a smile appearing.

"We need people to stay at the Titans building while the rest is gone. So who's coming with me." Raven already knows that Beast Boy wants to go, with a follow up of Terra. Starfire sighs, "I will stay." "I will too." Victor and Kory are staying.

"Then it's settled, let's go back." Raven gets up and starts walking away, but alone. She doesn't notice, lately she has been cold. Because of Dick but also her lack of control in her emotions, even though it's not him. In an illusion or not, it still hurts. He has been so cruel to her and bringing these girls over. Hurting her.

The thought of that makes Raven a bit disgusted with his actions but more with anger that she could destroy the Teen Titans Tower. But she could never do those things, she hopes she doesn't. But now she is seeing the person she's turning into, some apart of her doesn't care. Another does, she knows she will be at a constant battle of what's right from wrong.

She turns back to see Starfire talking to Beast Boy and Terra. Then Garfield comes running to her, "ravennnnn!" With his huge grin, "where do you think you're going without me?" He puts his arm around her shoulder, she smiles looking at him. "Nowhere." She teleports everyone outside of the Teen Titans tower where the imposter Dick Grayson could be inside. Ravens heart only beats faster just thinking of possibly seeing him.

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