Chapter 3

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Raven looks like a floating clit in that and I thought it was funny———

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Raven looks like a floating clit in that and I thought it was funny

Dick falls asleep on the couch since he's been up all night. Waiting on the plan, things be done, and to go to court, Bruce was able to make it come sooner thankfully. The lady admires the handsome Grayson on the couch, his eyelids covering his beautiful dark blue eyes that looks right at her dark brown ones. His shirt slightly shows his part of his muscular stomach, one of his arms over head.

She has beautiful brown curly hair that's put up now in a bun. She has darker skin tone, her eyebrows being thick and long. Her eyes are green. But she is always on guard now, Harvey Dent comes into the room with a suitcase. They discuss the case a little more and then Dick begins to open his eyes a little more but then goes back to sleep. Bruce told them that not to wake Dick, but Grayson wanted to go but was afraid he would fall asleep during the session.

He tries to open his eyes but closes them, he goes to sleep immediately after closing them. He wakes up and it's night, and sees Jason staring at him. Dick jumps up, "has anyone told you that your ugliness scares people ?!" He puts his hand over his heart acting super terrified, "so you're here helping some girl, while you got a girl at home worried about you." He chuckles, "I respect the game but don't let her find out. She'll kill you." Grayson's heart started to race, wait a minute. "We aren't dating, and I'm helping someone in need. Not for sex or to date, maybe something you wouldn't know how to do." He jokes and Jason just shrugs

Dick gets up and notice the whole day has been wasted, he rubs his head as he has a raging headache. "Where is she?"

"I'm helping her get her own place and giving her a special job in the Wayne Enterprises. I see potential. Oh one more thing, therapy." Bruce comes out from the darkness.

"Something you need." Jason snickers at that response. Bruce just stares at the both of them then walks away. "She's outside Dick." Grayson walks outside and sees the pretty girl, she smiles when she sees him. "Hey I never asked your name, what is it?"

"Aurora, Aurora James." Her hand out goes, indicating a handshake. He takes it, "Dick Grayson." She snickers at the name for a little, "Your name being Dick is funny to me." He blushes in embarrassment, he starts rubbing the back of his neck and looks away from her eyes. "But a cute name." He looks at her and smiles a little more.

"Let me get your number." He pulls out his phone, "Whoaa there, you just asked for my name and now you want to my number?" She smiles showing her teeth with her voice giving a hint of playfulness.

"I didn't mean it like that! I....I just want to make sure you'll be safe and if you need my help." He says with a more serious look then before. She takes his phone and typed in her number and they said their goodbyes. He watches the car drive off and Jason pats his shoulder, "don't worry man, you'll get her."

"No thanks. I'm not interested in anyone." Jason gives an extradited sigh, "You mean not interested in anyone but Ravennn. Date her already." Dick looks at Jason but nothing was said, Jason just smiles and does the hand mocking, mocking his talking while walking away from him. "but but..But I'm scared of hurting her!!" Jason deepens his voice and makes himself sound dumb mocking Dick. He turns around and zips away. Leaving the Wayne Manor.

Dick gets on his bike but gets stopped, not by Bruce. But Batman, "I trust you enough to not kill the Joker's men. There has been reports of them. I don't want Jason to find out or see them." Nightwing nods, "you got it boss." He drives away from the Wayne manor, he puts on his mask just in case. It feels nice to him as wind blows in his face, he stops to get some coffee at a local coffee shop. So he can stay up at least a little bit while hanging out with the other Titans when he gets there. 

He's almost to the T shaped building, but feels too tired. To the point he's fighting his sleep mid drive, he takes out his com to Raven. Raven answers immediate response, "Raven please...take me to your be-" he closes his eyes causing him to swerve but wakes him up instantly. As he caught himself, his heart beats out of his chest.

But before he could stop his bike he was instantly teleported in her room. That was all dark, he quickly gets up and looks around for Raven. "Raven my bike!! You teleported me while it was driving the way here." He puts his hands on his black hair, Raven expression becomes a bit shocked. But Nightwing could barely see it, "I'll get it for you, just lay down." "You don't have to tell me twice." He smile slyly and he went right to her bed and got comfy in it. He didn't want to waste any time missing sleep.

He closes his eyes and immediately falls asleep. She takes off his masks and places it on her desk. Raven was talking to him the whole time but Grayson is too out of it. She sighs and stares him for a bit, she looks at his memorizing face. Her heartbeats faster and faster, she touches his face cupping it. He grabs her hand and she falls on her bed, "Raven.." She feels his heartbeat go fast then slower and slower, he wraps his arms around her upper body as he gets more comfortable. She smiles and starts to do the same, soaking in every moment like this knowing it might not happen again. After ten minutes goes by she gets sleepy.

"Oh no I can't sleep just yet." Raven tries to get up but the grip around her is too tight. She pushes Grayson back and forth, "mmm? Let me sleeeep." He mumbles but she doesn't stop. She sighs and starts to alter his emotions so he can stay up a little longer and loosen his grip around her. And starts opening his eyes more, smiling at her. She gets greeted with immense butterflies, she pushes herself off of him. And stands up looking down at Grayson, he never breaks eye contact with her.

He pushes himself up from her bed and tries to stand but falls back never looking away from her, "I'm taking off your shoes at least." She looks away and bends down giving her a break from his eyes that makes her nervous. She takes peaks of him sitting there waiting for her to finish. She grabs his shoe and tried to pull it off but it didn't work. He watches her with sly eyes. Her struggle to take his shoes off makes him smile. He decides to help her out by taking off his jacket slowly exposing his toned arms.

By the time he starts taking off his shirt, Raven was able to take his shoes off. She stands up and takes in a deep breath having a shirtless musclar Dick Grayson in her bed. She thinks of the ways she could feel all over his abs and thinks of her on top of him. But the tiredness is hitting him. He falls back on her bed reminding Raven he's just there because she put him there. It's not the first time he's slept in her room. They just haven't done it, ever since that night. He looks up, lifting his head slightly up at Raven that was red. "if you want to touch you can." He pulls her on top of him, he holds her by her waist.

They are practically touching noses at the distance they are, she feels his whole body breathing at the same pace she is. Her hair goes down and touches his face. His eyes start to close hiding his beautiful eyes. Raven was about to listen to what he said to her but she stops herself and closes her eyes. "You're just really tired." She blankly said.

He moves his arms more up on her body and pulls her closer to him. Breaking the distance they have had before. Now they are in a hug and closes his eyes at the immediate cuddle. But Raven keeps her eyes open with her heart racing and her mind running just as fast. After that she hears faint snores from him that calms all of her thoughts.

She smiles widely, Raven focuses on his heartbeat. She smiles a unfamiliar scent on him, was he with another girl?? He better have not been, no what am I thinking? We aren't together, he can do what he wants. Raven quickly realizes her thoughts and tries to shake them. They aren't even dating and she's being possessive over him. It's all so random to her but nothing new to her, her feelings start rushing to her.

She's been out of control with her thoughts and feelings about father but more importantly Dick Grayson. It makes her overall out of control, which has her feeling powerless and worried. She tries to focus on now and that's being in Dick's arms, she gets a little more comfortable then quickly falls asleep in his arms.


That lady getting too comfortable with Nightwing😒
I love Brent, my favorite song of him rn is circles.

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