Chapter 9

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Sophie POV:

I groaned and woke up with a massive migraine. There was a white light above me, and people walking around and talking. I tried to get up, but my ankles and legs were tied to the table I was on.

"Hello Sophie." Getham cooed as he walked behind me.

"Get away from me!" I snapped and thrashed.

He shook his head. "I found a way to get into that little impenetrable mind of yours to get those precious secrets."

I paled.

I instantly tried to inflict, but there was an ability dampener on my wrist.

"You can't." I said, with only a hint of fear in my voice.

"Oh yes I can." Getham cooed as he put a substance against my temples, which started to make my skin hot.

"And how is that?" I tried to act strong and brave, but I was afraid.

"Because I stole something that the Black Swan should have done a better job hiding." He pulled out a small paper and held it infront of me. I read it and it was what to do if I ever went rouge and how to get the memories back.

"Getham please don't." I begged once I saw the bottom of the paper. "It's practically gonna kill me."

"Like how you killed some of my friends?" Getham snapped. "This is for Umber and Vespera. So we can all go home and live better lives."

He placed his hands on my temples and used so much mental energy that my mind couldn't handle it. He sent me images of his grief, people dying, getting tortured. Everything in the world of grief.

I couldn't handle it and felt something cracking inside of me like a vase. Then it shattered and the world went dark.

Marinette POV:

The plan was amazing. Or I think it was. We were raiding the base and were going to sneak around following people named Getham, Ruy, Gisela, or Fintan to lead us to Sophie. The guy named Dex created these shoes that don't make noise when you step, so we will use those.

"It's go time?" I asked.

Everyone nodded. We all held hands and teleported to the base.

Everyone's teeth were chattering from the cold. The base was inside a mountain and hidden by all the snow. All the elves wore grey cloaks that covered their faces, so we didn't know who was who.

"I found something." I think Tam said.

Adrian and I wrapped our arms around each other and walked towards the group. There was a little hole with the shape of the crystal. The one who had it stuck it inside and the door opened.

Adrien and I think either Keefe or Fitz took the lead. We all stayed low as we followed them. There weren't that many Neverseen members, just the guards.

We all ran behind a box, where there were two guards at the door we needed to get into.

"On three." Fitz whispered. "One... two-"

Adrien used his staff and shot them into the wall, making them both pass out.

"Or that." Fitz said as we all went inside.

There was a panel in the middle that was a map of the hideout. Keefe pointed to where it said cells.

"She has to be there." Keefe said, "I say we make a run for it. 3 of us sprint there while everyone else covers."

Everyone nodded.

"I'll go with Marinette and Biana." Keefe said. "Biana will make us invisible while you guys fight."

Everyone nodded in a agreement.

"Good luck." Adrian said and kissed me.

I kissed him back and smiled. "You too."

Right then Biana held my hand.

"Let's go." Linh said.

We opened the door to the lounge area where there were about 20-40 Neverseen members there. While they fought our friends, we ran through the back and snuck out of there without anyone seeing. Now we were in the training area, where there were about 5 members.

Keefe and Biana threw throwing stars at them, but they easily blocked them so I used my yo-yo. I took them down with ease, making the two elves shocked.

"Let's keep going."

Now we went through the door to the cells. There we saw Sophie strapped onto a metal table, twitching and shivering.

We ran to her and I saw beads of sweat dripping down her face.

"No..." Keefe murmured as Biana started sobbing. "NO!"

"What is it?" I asked with worry laced in my voice.

"H-her mi-mind I-is bro-broken." Biana said between sobs.

I froze. I had no idea what that meant, but I'm sure its bad. Keefe leaned over her shaking body and sobbed.

"You guys hurry up!" Adrien called from inside the other room, where all the fighting was.

I ran over to Keefe. "We have to get out of here."

He wiped his wet eyes and untied Sophie's bonds. He held her bridal style, while Biana held his shoulder and my hand. We ran through the fighting, invisible.

"WERE OUT!" I called.

Instantly there was a lot of shouting.


We then leaped to my house.

Keefe lay Sophie on the lounge chair in my room. She was still shaking and was sweating to the point her clothes were damp.

"What do you mean her mind is broken?" I asked.

Keefe stared at Sophie's shaking body while explaining to me what it means. Tears dropped down mine and Tiki's faces.

Then everyone else came down the ladder. I ran up to Adrian who was still in Chat Noir form. We hugged and kissed. Then once everyone saw Sophie, they all started sobbing.

"We have to get revenge." Dex said as he wiped his eyes.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Right then Fitz's impather rang. We all huddled around and found a really old looking man looking at through the phone, covered in sweat and dirt. Behind him, was a lot of flashing lights and a black sky.

"What happened?" Fitz asked.

"The Neverseen..." the old man rasped while panting for breath. "They made their move against the council."

Then the call went dead.

Everyone stared at eachother and than Sophie.

Keefe kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back soon." He whispered. Then he faced us. "We need our revenge. It's time to end things. Once and for all."

Then I transformed into Ladybug and teleported to the scene.

Help from a new friend (Kotlc x Miraculous crossover)Where stories live. Discover now