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It was one of those unbearably, long days, and all Y/n could think about was getting home from work and getting out of her uncomfortable work clothes. Y/n worked a particularly draining shift in the ER today, one that was more physically demanding than the rest. The storm from a couple nights before had caused wreckage to everything and everyone that was in its reach, including the hospital itself.

Y/n's scrubs now belonged to the trash, as a long gash in the fabric ran down the side of her stomach, along with the many stains that littered the blue material. The cause of her disheveled appearance consists of having to move a tree off of someone's car, standing in the rain for countless hours waiting for the paramedics, and an intern accidentally cutting a man's carotid artery when preforming a tracheotomy. Because Y/n happened to be assisting the boy, she was right beside him as he made the cut, causing the blood to spray all over her scrubs as she just happened to be in its line of fire. Thankfully that happened right before her shift ended so she could rush home and shower.

The brunette was now driving home. She sat in silence as she reflected on the chaos she experienced not even an hour before. It was sprinkling outside, the storm finally settling down after three rough days. The tiny droplets tapped against the windshield in an irregular pattern as Y/n shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Pulling up to a red light, a loud ring took over the quietness of her car, startling the girl from the sudden noise. Peaking down at her phone, Y/n couldn't help but smile as she saw her bestfriend's contact light up the screen. Quickly, she pressed the green button with her thumb as she raised her phone up to her mouth with a loose grip.

"Hey Reneé," Y/n drew out the "hey" in an anticipating tone.

"Hi baby," The blonde's voice immediately lightened the tense mood in Y/n's car as she greeted.

"How was your day?" Y/n asked out of habit.

"Ugh, horrible!" Reneé groaned and a shuffling noise followed after, she was probably in bed.

How she would love to join her right now...

"Why's that?" Y/n continued, genuinely curious.

"Well because," Reneé paused, it was evident in her voice that she was smiling while she spoke, "You weren't here."

Redness immediately washed over the brunette's face and her hand gripped the wheel tightly. Thank god Reneé couldn't see her right now.

Y/n let out a small laugh, "You're cute."

On the other side of the line Reneé was cheesing at the friendly compliment, feeling successful at fishing out the reply she wanted.

"I know," The blonde teased, making Y/n roll her eyes.

"That makes two of us," Y/n almost regretted her comment but continued anyways, "So what did you need?"

"Well I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out? Maybe go get some food?"

Y/n's stomach growled at the mention of food, the last time she can recall eating was yesterday at lunch. Apparently the noise was loud enough for Reneé to pick up, making her laugh.

"I'm going to take that as a yes, from your stomach." Reneé giggled through her sentence.

"Sure, why not." As much as the brunette was tired she needed to eat, but she also missed her friend dearly.

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