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As Y/n settled into her new apartment, the sound of unpacking echoed through the spacious and unfamiliar rooms. No less than an hour ago the movers had finished bringing her belongings into her new home. Immediately after they left she cracked open a drink, taking a large swig, waiting for the moving stress to wash away.

She found herself jittery and unable to focus on unpacking and decided she deserved a break, taking her drink and eagerness out the door to explore the new building. With determination in her step, she stepped into the hallway to explore her surroundings, only to stumble upon a frustrated blonde scavenging through her small purse.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Letting out a groan she ran her hand through her hair.

Y/n stood by her door looking around awkwardly as the girl fumbled around with her phone, calling what seemed to be a service of some sort. Not even a minute later she hung up the phone and slouched against the door, palming her forehead.

"Hey," Y/n cleared her throat, getting the blondes attention.

"You good?" The brunette let out a nervous laugh.

"No yeah everything is perfect, yeah." The blonde pushed herself off of the door and fixed her posture as she rubbed her eye with the back of her hand.

"Ok?" Y/n nodded, averting her gaze from the girl.

Y/n didn't expect any of her neighbors to be quite literally breath taking. When she made eye contact with the blonde a wave of heat could be felt washing over her face, making her quickly look away.

Breaking the silence the blonde spoke, "You just move in?" She raised her eyebrows, gesturing to the door behind the brunette.

"Uhh yeah," Y/n nodded, taking a sip of her drink, "Just got here not too long ago."

"And you're already drinking? Damn, must've been stressful." The girl laughed.

"Airports you know." Y/n returned the laugh, defending her drinking habits.

As their laughter died down to quiet chuckles the girls eyes met once again, it was now the blondes turn to look away, the previous drinks from a party making her sway as she turned her head. She shook her head, blinking aggressively trying to rid of the sudden dizziness.

"You sure you're good there, stranger?" Y/n eyed the girl carefully.

"Reneé," the blonde held her temples, "I'm Reneé."

The name suited her Y/n thought. It was evident Reneé was very drunk and locked out of her house, obviously. So, fearing someone might try and take advantage of the girl she thought inviting her in her new home was the best option.

"Not the most ideal way of meeting each other but it's nice to meet you Reneé." Y/n smiled at her.

"I'm Y/n by the way." The brunette tipped her drink at her new neighbor and nodded.

"It's a pleasure meeting you." Reneé giggled and both girls fell silent once again.

Y/n cleared her throat, looking around the hallway curiously as her cold beverage started to sweat from the tight grip of her hot hand.

"Would you like to join me at mine?" The words hesitantly falling out of the brunette's mouth.

Eyes closed, Reneé nodded eagerly, her lips pressed into a tight grin. She ran her hands over her oversized button up as she stepped towards her new neighbor, following as Y/n unlocked her door and swung it open. The brunette held the door open from outside for the blonde waving her in.

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