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When one breaks up with another, ends a relationship due to whatever reason, they typically wish to be free entirely from this person. They would not want to see their face plastered on billboards everywhere they go, or listen to their voice on the radio each time it is switched on.

They especially do not want people chiming in to remind them how much of a fool they were to let the other go. Unfortunately for Y/n, all of these happen to be daily occurrences for her. Her decision to call it quits with Reneé was not one she had made lightly. It required countless weeks of thought, desperate attempts to mend the drift that formed between them, and one too many arguments for her to finally end their year-long journey together. Reneé was simply too absent for her liking, caught up in her work more often than not; album mastering, tour planning, just never ending work. Y/n barely ever had her around.

The days they were together though, were filled with such love and joy, which is why it hurt Y/n all the more to be anywhere near even a mention of the blonde.

So, how did she get roped into going to her show?

Well, she's beginning to wonder that herself.

Reneé has been dancing across the stage for a while now, singing her heart out to the large crowd of gays that came just to watch her do so. She glows, radiating absolute warmth and happiness. Y/n has never been so enthralled, but with that also comes a deep sadness for what she has lost and what she couldn't keep. Her friend had convinced her to come, claiming that just because Reneé was an ex, Y/n didn't have to stop supporting her altogether.

They didn't break up for malicious reasons, rather conflicting schedules and wrong timing, and so she agreed. But standing here now, with the blonde so cheerful while she herself wishes the crowd would just swallow her up, it's the hardest thing she's ever had to do.

Y/n cannot bear it anymore. She's just about to suggest to her friend that they leave, already has a response planned out for if she says no, but suddenly the screams in her ear from the crowd are deafening.
Clearly, whatever Reneé has planned next is something that is highly anticipated. Perhaps this is the most perfect time to leave, whenever everybody is so focused on her performance, Y/n makes the mistake of not doing so immediately.

Her curiosity gets the best of her, and she's now watching Reneé drop to her knees during 'Tummy Hurts.' Her hands drift all over her body, head rolls, hips shift and strut, and Y/n cannot tear her eyes away. This is erotic to her in ways unfathomable, but thirsting over her ex girlfriend just as she wishes to go is not something she should be doing. Yet, there seems to be some sort of magnetic pull that grinding on the floor has on Reneé, and that Reneé in turn has on Y/n.

She drops down more, thighs spreading in such a way that has the blood rushing to Y/n's cheeks. This is the same woman she has seen naked many times before, curled up beneath the sheets in her own bed, and yet she's blushing over this silly little show she's putting on. It's insanity, but she still cannot look away.

It's when she makes the mistake of letting her eyes finally wander upwards that just confirms the fact she needs to leave. The blonde's head is turned directly towards her, eyes now glaring into her own, and Y/n usually would've been a little skeptical about whether Reneé was actually looking at her or not. There are thousands of people here but this is unmistakable, because for the remainder of the song, Reneé is now the one unable to tear her eyes away from her.

Y/n is unable to read the expression on the singers face. She doesn't know if she's happy to see her, if she's utterly devastated, if she hates her for even showing up at all. What happens after is certainly what Y/n begins to take over her mind; the song ends, and Reneé disappears from the stage. Mutterings in the crowd try to figure out what the issue is, some saying that perhaps Reneé needs a break or that she's feeling a little sick, but deep down, Y/n knows it's because of her. Her very presence has forced the blonde to abandon her show.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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