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The air conditioner kicked on as the dark bedroom rose in temperature, making the long curtains sway, letting in small fragments of light every now and then. Y/n tossed and turned as she desperately tried to find a cold spot in the sheets. Her girlfriend; Reneé, groaned as she was woken up from her slumber, the brunette's restless state interrupting her much needed nap.

"Y/n," Reneé threw her arm behind her, carelessly, in hopes to stop her girlfriend from moving around.

Though it did nothing and Y/n kept shifting, kicking their shared sheet off in the process. Reneé decided she had enough and turned to face the brunette before locking an arm around her torso and pulling her in. Y/n stopped moving, bringing Reneé immediate relief as she could now fall back asleep. Stuck in the blonde's embrace Y/n accepted the defeat and tried her best to fall back asleep. But minutes after minutes, the brunette did everything she could to bring herself back to sleep, but it was no use. She had woken up sweaty when the AC turned on and laid right in its path, the cold air now too cold as it blew onto her skin.

Y/n was back to moving around in her spot to the best of her abilities as Reneé was pressed up behind her. Reneé seemed to have fallen asleep again which the brunette took as a perfect time to slip out of her grip and shed some layers. In the process of moving her girlfriend's arm, Reneé woke back up as she wasn't able to reach a deep sleep.

"Please just go to sleep," The blonde rolled onto her back and threw her arm over her eyes.

"I can't, I'm up for good now." Y/n sighed and pulled her graphic tee off, leaving her in a bra.

Reneé uncovered her face and perked up at the sound of the brunette's shirt hitting the floor. Her eyes followed Y/n's chest as she fell back onto the mattress, her boobs spilling out at the top of their restraints. With tired movements, Reneé sat up on her knees, peering down at her girlfriend.

"Me too," The blonde's gaze, once heavy, was now coursing with liveliness as her pupils lingered over Y/n's body.

"Stop staring at me you creep!" Y/n gave Reneé a light shove before closing her eyes and turning onto her side, her back now facing the blonde.

Reneé grinned and rolled her eyes before moving the brunette's hair from her neck and leaning down, leaving open mouth kisses across her hot skin. A soft moan left Y/n's lips at the feeling, her shoulders rolling back to give the blonde more access.

"Mmmm," Reneé breathed in as she pulled away, "You smell like cinnamon."

Y/n smiled and looked over her shoulder to the girl above her. Reneé returned the look and gently grabbed the brunette's chin before connecting their lips. Y/n immediately melted into the kiss, shifting to lay on her back, the blonde straddling her waist suit. The cool air brushed over both, Reneé's once neat hair now tousled from the AC.

Y/n lifted her hips to slip her shorts off, the blonde assisting her in pulling off the tight bottoms. Once Y/n's bottoms were on the floor, Reneé repositioned herself in between the brunette's thighs. Y/n locked her girlfriend in by quickly wrapping her legs around her waist and pulling her closer.

Reneé grabbed onto Y/n's chin and disconnected their lips, before turning her head to the side and nipping at her neck. Y/n moaned softly as the blonde's teeth grazed over her skin, Reneé's hands caressing the curves of Y/n's waist.

"Please Neé," The brunette pleaded through a whimper as Reneé sucked on the soft spot of her girlfriend's neck.

"What do you want, baby?" Reneé kissed down to Y/n's left collarbone before running her tongue over her skin.

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