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~The Plot~

Y/n has been bestfriends with Reneé and Madison since high school. Reneé has a girlfriend; Towa, and like Y/n, Madison has been single for a while, Reneé and Y/n have a history tho.

When the two were teens, they both developed a BIG crush on each other, but of course neither of them ever said anything. They would purposely try and play every kissing game possible at parties for the excuse to make out, which Madison always found funny because she knew about both their crushes. But Reneé couldn't take the feeling of being single forever, hoping, and waiting for her friend crush to make a move. So, that's when she found Towa to fill her void, but it still wasn't enough, she needed Y/n.

Reneé ended up coming out after Y/n had, a couple months after, in hopes that would give Y/n a hint, but it didn't, it just made it worse. Once Y/n knew that Reneé shared the same feelings about girls, Y/n was very open about her crushes, hookups, and girlfriends. Reneé couldn't stand it, in fact, she was furious. Not only at Y/n for not taking her hints, but also for not making a move herself. She was now in a sticky situation with her team and Towa, and Towa really loved her, but Reneé never felt the same. So this is where the fun part starts.


It was late in the day when the city started to come alive. The clubs and bars now opening their doors to the long lines that stretch down the street. But Y/n and her friends had already been partying themselves in the comfort of Y/n's apartment, of course. The girls were pregaming for a wild night, taking shots back to back before gathering their belongings and making their way to the uber just outside the building.

Reneé slipped in the back seat first, sitting behind the driver, then Y/n in the middle, and Madison to her right. They were all a giggling mess, already feeling a buzz as the uber drove them to one of the most popular clubs deep in the city.

While the girls chatted, Reneé watched carefully over Y/n as she talked with Madison. How soft spoken she was, how she takes her time before replying to give her most heartfelt answer, and how she gives her full attention to who she's conversing with. She was just so perfect to Reneé, and it killed her to think about how bad she missed out. If only she said something that day, things would be perfect.


Sitting in a vibrant café booth, Y/n and Reneé talked quietly, not wanting to ruin the still atmosphere as they sipped on their drinks.

"So, um, I actually have been wanting to tell you something. Well, I actually need to tell you because I hate keeping this from you." Y/n nervously straightened up in her seat as she wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans.

Reneé perked up, is this finally happening? The day she's been waiting for since junior year of high school, was Y/n going to confess her feelings?

"I like girls, I'm gay..." Y/n looked down, avoiding any eye contact from the blonde across from her.

Well, that definitely wasn't what Reneé wanted, but it's a good step towards possibly being together. Reneé breathed out a breath she didn't even notice she was holding, before laying the back of her hand on the table, gesturing for the brunette to take her hand. Y/n looked up and placed her hand on Reneé's, shooting her an unsure smile.

"Oh Y/n, baby," Reneé giggled, "It was so obvious."

"Really? What do you mean?!" Y/n covered her  mouth, not meaning to yell.

The blonde laughed again, and stroked her thumb over her friends knuckles, "All those times you dragged me to spin the bottle at those high school parties, and somehow only landed on girls, or even me..."

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