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You asked for it, soaked part two.


Y/n stayed in her baffled state as Reneé stood by the couch, her eager hands fumbling around with the many straps as she fastened the harness to her hips. With one last tug, the blonde kneeled on the cushion next to her friend and ran a hand through her tousled hair, letting out a sigh.

"Get on your back, Y/n." Reneé ordered her friend and before the brunette complied, she sat between the two girls, her eyes darting back and forth in curiosity.

"First, I need to know what you meant about this being planned." Y/n's stubbornness slowly unwound as she spoke and crossed her arms over her chest.

Reneé rolled her eyes and looked over to Billie, who was sitting to Y/n's left, flashing her an unamused look. The black haired girl shook her head with a light chuckle as she watched Y/n's side profile, waiting for a reaction with what Reneé was about to unveil.

"Billie and I have always wanted this to happen," The blonde paused and drew her attention back to Y/n, "To have you to ourselves. We've always been infatuated with you and your beautiful body, and you know how we don't like to share, baby."

While Reneé was talking, her and Y/n locked eyes, and the brunette could swear she saw her friend's eyes glaze over with desire. Reneé moved so she was now in front of her dumbfounded friend and lifted her right hand up to her face before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So that's why we came prepared to fuck you to the point that the only thing on your mind is how good your two bestfriend's made you feel."

Y/n's throat bobbed and her face held a new red hue as she turned to face the blonde, lying back onto the sofa. Reneé took that as her invitation and quickly steadied herself over her friend, her golden hair cascading around her face as she connected their lips. Then Y/n felt it, the hard plastic against her stomach as the blonde pressed into her. 

"Fuck," Y/n let out a breathy moan as Reneé broke from the kiss and trailed kisses down her neck, stopping on her collar bone and giving her another hickey to match Billie's previous works on her other side.

Y/n bit down on her lip as the head of the strap rubbed up against her clit. She was yet again, embarrassingly wet, soaked was even an understatement for her current state. Reneé sat up, leaning back on her knees as she watched the small red mark fade into a deep purple, satisfied with the result. Y/n was growing inpatient and placed her thighs over the blonde's before wrapping her legs around her waist and attempting to pull her in.

Reneé took the hint and realigned her hips to Y/n's, with her hand around the base of the purple dick, and slid the tip up and down Y/n's slit. Having collected a good amount of arousal from the girl, the blonde pressed two fingers down onto the strap, watching as it sunk into her friend's pussy. Y/n let out a guttural moan as the cool plastic pushed deeper into her, Billie and Reneé's eyes raked over the girl in front of them, their pupils dilating with a lustful hunger.

Reneé's hands held Y/n's lower half in place with a tight grip as she started to rock her hips, allowing the brunette to adjust with shallow strokes. But before Y/n could comprehend what was even happening, the blonde thrusted her hips forward causing their pelvis' to clash. Reneé removed her hands from Y/n's hips and placed her right hand on her thigh before lifting one of Y/n's legs to rest against the back of the couch.

With hard, quick, and needy drives, little gasps emerge from the brunette's lips as each stroke reaches a new depth. Sitting by Y/n's head, Billie's fingers worked on her own clit as she watched her friend get railed in front of her, the sight could easily get her off by itself.

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