Chapter 7

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King Ghidorah danced upon the mangled corpses of the former students and teachers of union. He danced with such professionalism and passion, it was almost breathtakingly beautiful. It tip-toed and stomped on the charred corpses of the children as he pulled off some of the most beautiful poses known to earth.

However his horrific dance was sadly interrupted by a humanoid robot with a long tail tipped with three blades. "Yes?" He asked it with annoyance as he kicked the body of Rias Gremory. "My king," it started, "we located the final outpost of humanity."

King Ghidorah hummed in pleasure as he wished to kill more humans. "Good," he said, "where are they?" The robot pressed a button on his four digit claws and out popped a hologram of a remote island surrounded by walls.

"Walls!" He yelled out in astonishment, "do those idiotic apes not know that walls don't stop us!" The robot only hummed in agreement as the hologram disappeared. They both stood in silence as King Ghidorah returned to his demonic dancing.

However the robot scanned through the cameras to learn from its fight against the pathetic Union students and staff. As King Ghidorah danced around like death, the robot found something.

"My liege," it yelled out, "some of the students escaped!" King Ghidorah's dancing stopped within the second. He looked at the robot with rage. "WHAT!" He yelled out, his voice full of rage and electricity. "One of the devils teleported some students somewhere," it said to the Gilded Demise.

"What! How!" He yelled at the robot. "My liege I am unsure, but I could probably locate them, I just need time."

King Ghidorah looked at the shredded body of Rias Gremory. "This bitch better show us where they went," he said as his eyes glowed golden.

"Um sire, I don't think they can come back from the dead," the robot said. King Ghidorah didn't care as he placed his hand on the intact head of Rias Gremory. Her lower body is completely missing, she's missing one arm and a hand on the other.

He grinned maliciously as he began to unload thousands of volts into her brain causing her to reanimate. She opened her eyes calmly until she looked down at her body. She screamed bloody murder as her lower half and right arm were missing. A long intestine connected itself to the other half, twenty feet away.

"Listen here bitch." King Ghidorah said to the gremory, "where did you send the kids!" She didn't respond but only screamed and screamed in pure terror.

"It's useless my liege," the robot said, "she would rather die than tell you anything." King Ghidorah obliterated her body with a single bolt of lighting then turned to the robot. "Whatever your name is, Mechagodzilla, or that other word I have trouble remembering, I want you to lead your brother and two other titans to kill off the human race at that outpost."

Mechagodzilla nodded his head and teleported away. King Ghidorah resumed his dance until another devil by the name, Loup Garou, interrupted him. The missing arm and leg devil limped his way towards the Gilded Demise.

"This is all your fault!" He yelled before falling onto his bleeding ass. King Ghidorah stomped on his other leg, shattering his femur and knee. Garou screamed in agony but attempted to attack the Devil with Three Heads. "Such foolish words and actions little devil," King Ghidorah said to him.

He kicked the side of Gargou, launching him to the nearby steel wall. A sickening crunch came from Gargou as his spine snapped in half from the collision. Similar to the sound, a evil laugh came from King Ghidorah as he clapped his hands together.

"Bravo devil, Bravo!" He said, "never before has someone ever had the idiocy to attack and alpha titan." He grabbed the remaining arm of Gargou and tore it off with relative ease. He slapped the dying devil in the face with his own arm.

"And the devil race is a bunch of!" He yelled out before brutally ripping out the spine of Garou killing him slowly and painfully. "Spineless cowards!" He yelled out finishing his kill.

He look at the head that was attached to the spine. "Devils, Angels, the Fallen. All of them won't survive my wrath," he tossed the head and spine away before spreading out his deathly magnificent wings. The near 100 foot long wingspan of King Ghidorah casted a shadow of terror upon the littered and charred corpses of the students and teachers.

Before he left the bunker he said four words in a unknown language.

"Pah Yein Faal Jun"


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