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It's been days now, and I can't stop thinking about what happened in the Alchemy Classroom and Cassandra's audacity, her buttocks pressing against me, causing a fierce and painful erection. If we hadn't been in class and I didn't have a lecture to attend shortly after, I wouldn't hesitate to believe that I would have ripped those damn trousers off her and fucked her violently on that table... but even this scenario in the Faculty Lounge would have been just as enticing. I should be grading Potions assignments before heading back to the Ministry, where I'll be staying for a week to continue training the new Auror team in Occlumency, but I've done very little, distracted as I am by her presence at the other end of the table. I've deliberately avoided sitting near or in front of her to prevent my mind from wandering, but it's entirely futile. And as if the situation weren't already ridiculous enough, a valid substitute still hasn't been found to cover for me, and we're definitely running out of time.

With a frustrated sigh, I close my eyes, massaging my temples, my brain swirling with too many thoughts.

«Everything alright?». Cassandra's velvety voice seeps into my mind, momentarily dissipating the disorder residing within.

I nod with little conviction and reply: «Yes. A substitute still hasn't been found for the days I'll be away, but we'll sort it out».

She leans back in her chair, her skin glowing white in the darkness of the room. «Well, as it happens, I've been thinking about it too», she says.

I brush it off with a wave of my hand. «Don't worry, I trust in the powerful means of our Headmaster», I respond sarcastically.

«In reality, I thought that if you agree, I could substitute for you», she says, catching me completely by surprise.

«You?», I ask.

She puts on a feigned offended pout, infuriatingly adorable, and replies: «I didn't expect enthusiasm, but not even this surprised tone! Yes, Sharp: me. I may not be a Potioneer, but I manage well enough».

I observe her carefully, weighing her proposal. It's undoubtedly tempting and would lift a huge burden off my shoulders, but I know how burdensome teaching two subjects can be. It's tough for me after ten years of teaching, let alone for her, who's only been here for a month and a half.

«I appreciate it, but there's no need for you to trouble yourself for me», I politely refuse.

«I owe you, Sharp», she responds quickly, almost urgently. I look at her, and her expression is eager.

«You don't owe me anything, Cas– Doyle», I correct myself immediately, avoiding saying her name. Despite what happened between us, and what will surely happen, simmering beneath the surface, I want to keep things between us as neutral as possible.

But she seizes upon my slight concession, a glint of victory shining in her eyes. She knows she has me wrapped around her finger, and I know it too. She takes advantage of this slip on my part and continues: «You would have done the same. And you've already done a lot for me since I started teaching here. See it as a way for me to repay you».

«You don't need to repay me», I insist.

«Oh, for heaven's sake, Sharp! Then think of it as the only solution you have at the moment. Do you see any others?», she snaps, impatiently running a hand through her long brown hair.

I look away, running my tongue over my teeth and assuming an annoyed expression, because I know she's right: it's the only solution I have, and an Alchemy Professor is certainly the most suitable person to replace me. «Alright then», I concede, resigning myself. I return to look at her, preventing the muscles of my face from distorting into a smile when I see her become radiant and happy. But I can't help but add: «Thank you»

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