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The rays of the sun filtering through the window, along with the voices of the city beginning to come alive, wake me up at the crack of dawn. I open my eyes, trying to focus on the room, and it's immersed in chaos: the two suitcases I took last night lie open, one on the floor and the other on the armchair. The tea table is covered with letters, opened and unopened, and crumbs of bread that Morgan decided to eat in the night. Now she is curled up at my feet, asleep.

I pull myself up, my back aching from the discomfort of the sofa, and as I rise, I drag myself to the bathroom for a quick freshening up. Back in the living room, I grab the wand and tidy up the room. I then have breakfast with a cup of tea and butter cookies, and finally, I get dressed: I wear a pink blouse and a light blue skirt, which I cinch at the waist with a large brown belt. Normally, for the journey ahead, I would prefer the comfort of trousers, but I don't want to draw too much attention to myself, especially since I'll have to travel with a big black cat, two suitcases in my hands and no one helping me.

I slip on a pair of boots and am ready to go. There's just one thing missing: I grab a small cage from a closet and open it, inviting Morgan to enter. It's a challenging task since she hates being confined in a small space, and she starts meowing loudly to express her displeasure. «Come on, it'll only take a moment!», I try to convince her, but she simply turns away. Knowing her conditions for entering the cage, I reluctantly comply to avoid wasting more time: inside the cage, I place treats, a blanket and a pillow to make her journey more comfortable. Delighted that she knows how to get me to give in, Morgan enters the cage and settles down, allowing me to finally close the flap.

I step out the door and close it behind me, casting one last glance at its splintered wood. I take a deep breath and descend the stairs, making my way back to the Leaky Cauldron. I bitterly regret allowing something to enter my stomach, given the unorthodox and brisk method with which I will be traveling. When I reach Charity Cross Road, I see Adalbert on the doorstep, a pipe between his lips. I give him a nod of greeting, and he rushes to help me with the luggage, just as he did yesterday with the stranger. Only this time, there's no scent of cloves in the air.

«Are you going on a journey, Miss Doyle?», asks Adalbert.

«Work, actually», I respond with a hint of pride in my voice.

«Oh, and where are you headed? Do you need a room?»

«No, I need your Floo fireplace», I reply reluctantly, trying to conceal the fact that the mere thought is making my stomach churn. If I can, I prefer to travel by Muggle means – I can endure eight hours on the Hogwarts Express from London to the Highlands better than a few seconds of Floo powder, or worse, Apparition. Not to mention broomsticks, or portkeys. Perhaps it's the stigma that Salazar Slytherin himself has bestowed upon me from the grave for being sorted into his house despite being a Muggle-born.

But this situation calls for speed, and Floo powder is the only one, compared to the previous options, that makes me feel better – if having my stomach in turmoil all day can ever be considered feeling well. I let Adalbert open the door of the Leaky Cauldron for me and lead me towards the fireplace. I enter, and with some difficulty, I try to hold Morgan's cage and the suitcases in one hand, while with the other, I grab a handful of Floo. I look straight ahead and take a deep breath before chanting the name of my destination: "The Three Broomsticks!". I throw the dust at my feet, and immediately, a tall green flame rises, enveloping me and making me disappear from the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron. The flame, contrary to what one might think, is cold as it licks my skin, but soon it gives way to a whirlwind of ash that surrounds me, and within which I spin vortex-like, trying not to breathe. Everything lasts for a few moments, and when I open my eyes again, I find myself right in the Three Broomsticks' lounge.

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