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I turn my head towards the door, where a man in his forties has appeared, tall and with a fit, lean physique. He has flowing brown hair that reaches down to his shoulders. His eyes are piercing and dark, one of them marked by a scar that runs down to his jawline, standing out resolutely beneath a veil of dark beard, adding a determined air to his mysterious and... undeniably captivating look. I find myself blushing slightly as he extends his hand to introduce himself, gripping mine with confidence and briefly caressing my knuckles with his thumb. He keeps his gaze on me, as if trying to peer into my soul, and in a warm and deep voice, he says: «Aesop Sharp, Potions Professor».

In that moment when we stand facing each other, I become aware of the fragrance enveloping him: cloves and sandalwood... and another note, sharp yet more delicate than the others, that I can't quite discern. But it's the same scent I caught just yesterday afternoon at the Leaky Cauldron... he is the same man. As he approaches the table to take a seat, I notice that he limps the same way. That's why he was in such a hurry! Evidently Matilda, having to assign the chair of Alchemy in a short time, had summoned everyone in advance to do the honours.

I take my seat at the table, settling into the empty chair across from Sharp, my nostrils tickled by his fragrance. Matilda positions herself at the head of the table, Black directly opposite her, assuming a disinterested posture that betrays his desire to be anywhere but here at this moment. It's Matilda who speaks up, not failing to shoot a resigned glance at what is formally the Headmaster.

«So, my dear colleagues, now that we've all had the pleasure of meeting Professor Doyle, I can share my joy and pride in being able to once again ensure the teaching of Alchemy. The last time students requested it was in 1886, and Cassandra was actually among those who attended the course With excellent profit, moreover».

She looks at me with pride, a warmth radiating from her gaze, and continues: «Her curious mind and sharp wit, the excellent credentials, coupled with a strong ambition typical of the House she was sorted into – here I earn a disdainful look from Black, who evidently still hasn't gotten over the fact that I am a Slytherin after seventeen years, and a quick understanding glance from Professor Sharp – have made her the most suitable choice for the role».

Some of the teachers smile and offer congratulations, with Ronen lightly pumping his fist in the air in a sign of jubilation. The convivial moment is interrupted by Matilda's voice: «However, given the highly complex nature of the subject, and considering that Cassandra, before returning to Hogwarts as a teacher, was one of the most brilliant quills at the Daily Prophet, I believe it's necessary for her to be paired with an experienced teacher. Someone who can ensure that we provide excellence to our students».

A hush falls over the table, everyone exchanging intrigued glances to figure out who will, in effect, be the other Alchemy professor. Only Mirabel notices that the news that I won't be alone, as if I weren't enough to fulfill the role adequately, has left a bitter taste in my mouth. She places a reassuring hand on my arm.

«Aesop, I thought you would be the most suitable for this role». All eyes turn to the Potions Professor, while my breath catches in my throat. Sharp looks at me first with an unreadable expression, as if suddenly awakening from a dream, and then at Matilda: «No, Matilda, I can't accept. I already have my lessons, the fifth-year classes have the O.W.Ls., and their performance is worse than ever. I can't take on this burden», he retorts.

Professor Weasley, however, doesn't share his opinion. It seems she had anticipated his resistance and responds: «I've already ensured that everyone's schedules, including yours, are adjusted to this new requirement. Besides, Aesop, if no external candidate had accepted the position, I would have entrusted it to you anyway».

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