Hell, probably

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AN: I started this story for myself, but figured that at least one other person ought enjoy it, so I might as well post it. Originally posted on AO3 under the name Spiders_In_Your_Shirt
This is also my first time posting on Wattpad so bare with me as I figure this out


She was certain that she just died, but Emma had always imagined hell to be more of a fiery pit of doom rather than a sunlit forest. Just a moment ago she had been in the heart of the mountains, drenched to the core sheltering from a thunderstorm. But with a flash and a bang she found herself on the moss covered ground, warmed by rays of sunshine peeking through the leaves.

At least Ash was still with her, saddled up and ready to go. Of course the loyal horse wouldn't leave her behind, even in supposed death.

Although she still wasn't entirely sure what was going on, the only thing she could do for herself right now was start to figure out where exactly she was. She could survive out here no problem, but even so she would like to know where exactly 'here' is. She would focus on the 'how' and 'why' of it all later.

Just two days ago, she had been in a small town stocking up on supplies to get her through the mountain range. That was the original plan after all. Travel through the mountains, reach Albonne in one piece, get access to the mayor's party and rob everyone blind. Yet somehow she had already failed before she even completed the first step.

Stretching each of her limbs, Emma checked herself over for injuries. Nothing felt out of the ordinary, she wasn't even a little sore. In fact she felt better than ever. Energy flowed through her veins, and there was nothing left of the tired and grouchy woman who sought shelter from a storm. Standing up, she walked over to the horse who was grazing a few feet away from her. The animal didn't seem bothered in the slightest by the strange events of today, body relaxed as she happily munched on the grass.

"Hello girl, how are ya?" The habit of talking to her horse formed rather quickly when she set out to face the world alone, and the habit would probably never leave. Ever since she left that messy situation behind all those years ago, this horse had been her only company. The only constant in a life full of unpredictable changes.

The horse neighed softly in reply and closed the distance between her and her human, pushing her muzzle softly to Emma's face, nearly knocking the hat from her head in the process. A soft, genuine chuckle escaped from Emma's lips as she took a step back. Kneeling down, she went to check the horse's legs for any injuries that may have occurred. Relieved to find nothing out of the ordinary, she put her foot in the stirrup and swung her leg over the saddle.

Guiding her horse to a random direction, she started pondering about this weird place. She should probably feel a lot more panicked about this, but she couldn't help but feel strangely calm about it all. It wouldn't matter where exactly she was, not really. As long as there's water to drink and food to eat, she could live anywhere. She had everything she needed stashed away in her pack and saddlebags. Besides, it's not like she has a home to return to anyway. This really wasn't any different than any other place she stayed at, only this time she didn't know the name of the road she was camping next to, nor the directions to the nearest town.

Strutting through the woods, Emma was only half looking for a road or landmark. A sudden sense of peace and serenity washed over her. She had been wandering around aimlessly for far too long and this unintentional trip brought with it an odd feeling of acceptance. For the first time in years, the worn woman let herself be guided by curiosity rather than a need to survive. And however small it may be, discovering more about this strange place gave her a goal other than getting her hands on food and money.

Time passed by unnoticed, and only when the sun began to set and darkness crept in, did time come back to her. The once sunlit forest was now drenched in darkness, and rather than trusting in her own abilities, she would have to trust her horse to guide them safely across the roots and hills.

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