Sophisticated dinner party

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The first thing she noticed about the person who opened the door, aside from his small stature, was the incredibly annoyed and somewhat anxious look on his face. However his annoyance quickly turned into surprise when he saw who was at his door, clearly not expecting the woman. This must be Bilbo Baggins then. He's not the type of person she would expect to hang out with shady people calling themselves wizards, but she's probably the last person who should judge someone's choice of company.
It took him a good while until he started speaking, stammering a bit, "Ah, good evening miss. Can I- can I help you?"

"I'm hoping you can, I'm looking for a certain wandering wizard and was told you might know more. May I come in?" At the mention of the wizard, a scowl flashed across his face before turning back to a flustered look. Emma raised a brow at his reaction, it seems the little guy wasn't too fond of wizards. Nonetheless he welcomed her into his home, muttering something about the best manners he has seen all night.

As she stepped inside, her eyes immediately fell on the pile of discarded swords and knives scattered on the floor. A shame really, they seemed like good blades. Kind of odd for someone to have a bunch of medieval swords in their house though, not exactly common decor, she mused. But if they were decor why were they piled up on the floor? Surely this little fellow didn't actually use them. In a world of revolvers and rifles, a sword is only gonna get you so far when it comes to defense. Brushing away her string of thoughts, she examined the rest of the entryway. Muddy footprints tracked all around the hall, leading further into the surprisingly large house. And loud voices could be heard from further inside, along with the telltale sound of heavy furniture scraping over the wooden floor.

Emma put the pieces together. The aggravated look on Bilbo's face, the discarded weapons, the muddy footprints and the loud voices. She got the notion these were not caused by any friends or family, and it would be safe to assume she wasn't the only uninvited guest in this house.

Deciding to follow the example of the other guests, Emma pulled her hunting rifle from her shoulder and set it down against the wall. She doubted she would be needing it around here, and disarming herself of her biggest weapon might put her in the good graces of her host, which would help her get answers in return. Of course she still had her revolvers and plenty of knives stashed away, she wasn't stupid enough to enter a stranger's home completely unarmed. Behind her, Bilbo cleared his throat. "If you would follow me, miss." he gestured down the hall, obviously very uncomfortable with her presence, but too polite to do anything about it.

Giving a simple nod in reply, she followed him through the halls, nearly hitting her head on the ceiling beams multiple times. The voices grew louder, and when she reached the source of them Emma could feel yet another headache set in. Before her stood four men –if they were men at all– looking at her with the same suspicion filled glare she usually wore on her own face. They were short in stature, though taller than the other people she had met today. They had long hair and beards, and practical clothes worn from travel hung from their bulky frames.

She paid them little mind though, and sat down at the far end of the table behind them. She didn't know much about wizards, or people pretending to be wizards at least, but none of these men seemed the wizardy type to her. She briefly wondered if the whole wizard thing had been a joke, and that she had set out on a wild goose chase after a target that doesn't even exist. But on the small chance that it was real, and this wizard might know enough to give her an explanation about her recent adventure, it would be worth it.

While everyone else went back to what they were doing, the bald one was still glaring daggers at her. If she was anyone else, she would have found him very intimidating. But unlucky for him, Emma had enough experience glaring at people herself to know he was simply assessing her, deciding if she was a threat or not. As long as she kept her attitude in check and her guns to herself, she would have no reason to fear him.

Never Back Again // The Hobbit, Fili X OCWhere stories live. Discover now