Chapter 2

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~Time rewind to a few months back~

"I like to move it move it!
(Spins around Natasha and flips over Steve striking his shield with with a katana)
She like to move it move it!
(Swipes at Natasha who ducks down to avoid the blade)
He like to move it move it!
(Stabs at Steve who dodges to the side)
We like to move it!
(Kicks Natasha and slams a blade on Steve's shield)
Keep on jumpin' off the floor!
(Swipes at both their feet making them jump)
Dancin' 'till your feet is sore!"
(Proceeds to do the cabbage patch dance for fun)

Moon Lifter sang and danced as they swiped at Steve and Natasha with twin katanas.

"Come on! I'm sure you can dance better than that!" Moon Lifter yells as they continue jumping around and swiping at the two heros. The song continues playing in the background as Natasha manages to take a katana away from Moon Lifter.

"Oy that's mine!" They yelled while tripping Natasha with their tail and reaching for the blade on the ground. Natasha pushed of the ground jumping on their back.

"Yasssss ride me cowgirl!" They yelled before Natasha started choking them with her legs and pulling their cat like ears.

"Ow my ears! Stop pulling they don't come off!" They ran backwards into a wall slamming Natasha against it making her loosen her grip on them. Then they spun and slammed Natasha into Steve successfully getting her off.

"Night night!" They said waving to Steve and Natasha as they threw a sleeping gas grenade. Then proceeded to steal money from the Smithsonian.


Vesper pov.

"Woooooohooooo!" I yell out the window of my car as I stick my head out.

"Would you stop that!" Eddie yells from the driver's seat.

"If I stop will you let me drive?" I asked sticking my head back inside. We are currently driving to New York.

"No your a crazy ass driver." I says shuddering. I smirk grabbing the wheel. He shrieks snacking my hand away and glaring at me from the corner of his eye. I stick my head back out the window and scream again. I hear him sigh.

"Venom remind me to never drive across the country with him again." Eddie says to the disembodied head of the symbiote.

"Eddie remember to never drive across the country with him again." Venom says before going back to singing whatever song is on the radio right now. I reach my hand up to him for a high five as Eddie sighs and bangs his head on the steering wheel.

"You two are going to be the death of me." Eddie says dramaticly.

"Nah your soulmate will be!" I say laughing. Yeah Wade will definitely be the death of all of us probably.

"No yeah definitely." Eddie deadpanned. I continued laughing. I looked down at my hand seeing one of my soulmate marks. I feel my smile disappear. I'm 22 which means it's been 4 years since I became soulmate age and I haven't found mine yet. I know it doesn't sound like very much time but when you've never really had anyone your whole life, it feels like forever. I gently rub a hand over the marks, the marks are red squiggles and sparkles running along my fingers. A few seconds later I feel a tingling sensation from the mark. I smile softly knowing my soulmates are out there somewhere even if I haven't found them yet.

"You'll find them Vesper." Eddie said giving me a soft smile and a pat on my leg.

"Thanks Eddie." I said smiling and looking out the window. Maybe I'll find them in New York.

A/N- Hello peoples! I'm gonna explain how the soulmate bond works in this universe so there isn't any confusion.

So at the age of 18 or a species age equivalent to 18, they get there soulmate mark or marks. If the mark is touched, the soulmate that the mark represents will feel a tingling sensation. When soulmates are in close proximity their marks will give a slight burn.

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