Chapter 3

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Vesper pov.

We finally made it to the little apartment studio I'll be living in while I'm here in New York. It's small but cozy, perfect for me. Right now me and the others are carrying in my boxes. Well me Eddie and Wade are carrying the boxes in. Matt is unpacking stuff. Somehow... We don't talk about it.

"What the fuck do you have in this box! It's so heavy!" Wade whined like the little bitch he is.

"Would you shut up and stop whining!?" I yelled at him smacking him upside the head as hard as I could.

"You little!" He shouted turning to me after putting the box down.

"Little what! Say it I dare you!" I growled extending my claws and baring my fangs.

"Would you two stop fighting for one second!?" Eddie screamed at us.

"Well if you kept your soulmate entertained maybe we wouldn't be fighting all the time." I said smirking. I quickly picked a box up and jogged up the stairs.

"Hey Vesp." Matt said unwrapping my dishes and putting them away in the cupboards.

"Hey Matt." I sighed as I placed the box by my TV stand cause it says movies on the side. I sigh again as I see the soulmate mark on my right forearm.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he grabs another box and opens it. Why does he always know when somethings bothering me?

"I just.... I see you guys all lovey dovey and happy... It just hurts sometimes." I said rubbing my forearm softly. The mark is a pop tart with a lightning bolt burned into it. I laugh softly, they must really like pop tarts.

"You'll find them Vesper. When the time is right you will be with them. How many do you have again? I forgot." He asked as he moved on to yet another box. How this blind dude does what he does will forever be a mystery to me.

"Thirteen." I said giggling as I felt tickles through the mark.

"You're gonna need a wheelchair." Wade said as he set down a stack of 4 boxes. I pulled a dagger from my boot and threw it at his chest.

"Gasp! How could you!?" He cried out as he dropped to his knees then on his back.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Don't you get blood on my new carpet!" I said kicking his head as I walked by to the living room.

Natasha pov.

I'm sitting in between Thor and Steve when it happens again. A little wave of sadness washes over me. It's from one of my soulmates and it isn't one in the tower. No it's our last one, the one we are yet to find.

"When are we going to find them!?" Tony yells from the kitchen. He was getting blueberries.

"When the time is right we will find them." Thor said next to me. He swiped his thumb over the soulmate mark on his forearm. It's a white cat sitting on a book, it also has a yellow crescent moon shape on its head.

"But I don't want to wait any longer!" Tony whined as he plopped down on top of Loki, who just continued reading his book.

"Can't you use like a tracking spell or something Loki?" Peter asked from the ceiling. Don't ask why he's on the ceiling.

"I could but that's against fate." He said calmly flipping the page in his book.

"Ughhhhhhh!" Tony whined again while popping blueberries into his mouth.

"I wonder what they're doing right now." Wanda says looking out the tower window at the city below.

"Where are you?" I hear her whisper.

A/N- Hey! Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

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