Chapter 7

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Vesper pov.

The elevator chimes as it stops at the floor. The doors open and I hear voices coming from the left. I quickly run the other way.

Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky and so on the rooms are labeled with names. Just makes this easier.

Carol, Wanda, Pietro, Natasha, Bruce, Clint- wait Bruce! I back up and look at the door. It has a little green science flask next to his name. Cute.

I sniff the door and try to listen for a heartbeat. There is one. I look up at the wall behind me finding the vent. I shift quickly and jump up pushing the screen in and pulling myself inside. I shift back to a cat and walk through the vents to Dr. Banner's room.

I look through the screen and see him sleeping in the bed. He turns over and I see his peaceful sleeping face.

He's... actually kinda cute...

Snap out of it Vesper!

I pull the vent screen in and jump down into the room. Ok let's hope I don't die for doing this.

I jump on the bed and walk on top of him to his head.

Sorry Mr. Cutie. I extend my claws and swipe them down his face hard.

He screams and opens his eyes which are an unnatural green color.

Oh shit-

I suddenly fly across the room and crash into the wall as he stands up and starts getting bigger while growling.

Maybe this was a bad idea-

As he punches through the wall I jump back up into the vents and run to my next target.

Weapons room is the floor below which means dropping down a whole floor though a vent.

I can hear things crashing and Hulk roaring. I can also hear the Avengers trying to calm him down.

I shift at as I drop down to the next floor through the vents. Of course I land on my feet I am a cat after all.

I shift back to a cat and walk through the vents to the weapons room. I jump down into the room after looping the cameras and shift into a human.

It's just so much easier to open doors in this form!

I walk over to the wall and see the objects I'm looking for minus Black Widows suit and Thor's hammer.

I grab Hawkeye's bow and Captain America's shield. I throw them up into the vent and put the screen back.

After disabling the alarm I kick down the door and walk into the suit room. It's literally what it sounds like.

I walk over to the displays and look for Black Widows suit. I find it and punch through the glass grabbing the suit.

Last thing. Thor's hammer.

I push the vent screen in and put the suit inside. I pull myself up and shift to better fit.

Ok now where would he leave his hammer?

I paw at my watch as I look through the cameras trying to find Thor's hammer.

Oh there it is. In their living room right in the middle of all the chaos that comes with Hulk transforming.

Damn it!

Ughhhh! Ok let me think.....

Cat forms only way to do it-

Alright then! Let's do this!

I shimmy out of my suit to look like a normal little kitty.

Ok big kitty! But it's the same thing.

I jump down in someone's room. I don't know who's but it's very green. I push the door open wit my nose and walk out into the hallway.

Damn they calmed Hulk down!

Ok I gotta do this fast while they're all distracted.

I run quietly and quickly over to the hammer sitting on the floor. I clamp my jaws on the handle and pick it up.

Oh wow it's super light!

I start trotting over to the room I jumped down in.

"Thor there's a cat carrying your hammer...." Someone says behind me.

Oh fuck-

A/N- Thanks for reading peeps!✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧

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