Chapter 6

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Vesper pov.

It's time.

I zip myself up into my suit. Making sure I have all my tools and necessities in my pack, I strap it on my back. I grab my brief case that has my bike.

I jump out my open window to the roof of the building next door. Dropping down in the alley I open my brief case letting it transform into my bike.

I get on starting it up as I put my mask on. It's navy blue and covers my whole face, it also has a neon yellow cat face on it as well as a yellow crescent.

I speed off through the never sleeping city of New York. I swerve around cars as I make my way to the avengers tower.

I glance down at my watch. 11:25. Right on schedule. I'll be there in 5 minutes. The way in is through the sewers believe it or not. It's easy though nothing I haven't done before.

I bank left quickly turning into an ally. I push the button on my bike making it turn back into a brief case.

Crouching down I lift the metal gate for the sewer and jump in. I turn my suit's lights on and hiss at the rodents in there. Of course they run away.

I continue forward looking at the map on my watch. Almost there.

I soon come to a locked gate. Time to shift! I close my eyes and focus on becoming a cat. When I open my eyes again I'm small enough to fit though the gate. Purfect!

I trot forward till I get to a water filtration center. I jump up onto the platform and walk towards the stairs.

There should be two guards down here. Ah there they are! I see them sitting playing cards of the the side. I quickly run across the floor and up to the stairs. First one up: Starks helmet.

His lab is ground level 8 I'm on 9 now. To get to his lab I need to get in the vents. There are 10 on ground level 9. The closest one is in a supply closet 10 paces from the stairs on the right.


I run over to the door standing on two legs up to pull the handle down. Ok now it should be in the middle of the ceiling- there.

I climbed the shelves and jump up to the vent. I put my paws against it and push the screen out of the way. Once inside I turn my suit lights on again.

Ok four vents in his lab. Two where he stores his suits. I need to go up a level first as I'm still on level 9.

Here we go. I look through the vent screen seeing the Iron Man helmet just sitting on a table in Starks lab. Purfect.

I pull the screen in after checking for heat signatures and looping the cameras as well as disabling the security system. I jump down on to a table then to the floor. I shift to human and grab the helmet from the table. Nice!

It's surprising light. Hmmm. Ok concentrate Vesp!

I put the helmet in the vent and shift back into my cat form. Now to set off Mr. Green.

According to my building schematics and what I found while looking through Tony's ai- Dr. Banner has a room on the- this building has way to many floors.... I just know where his room is.

I trot over to the elevator and jump up to press the floor number. This'll be easy.

A/N- I'M BACK! For now at least.😅 Thanks for reading!

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