Chapter 4

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Vesper pov.

I layed in bed listening to music as I thought about my soulmates. I scratch my itchy ear. I wonder if it's cause someone's thinking of me.... HA! Yeah right!

Ok. Plan is to sneak into the avengers tower and steal some of their stuff. I'm not gonna keep it but I am going to leave their stuff outside in front of the tower. The point is to prove I'm better than them and a great cat burglar.

Hehe. That's funny cause I'm a cat and I'm a cat burglar. Haha.

I plan on stealing Caps shield, Tony Stark's helmet, Hawkeye's bow, Black Widows suit, and Thor's hammer. And yes I'm only going for the first avengers because they're the most well known.

Now before I get all those things I'ma set off Mr big green. The avengers are good I'll admit that but I'm still better, so I need a distraction. Something to keep them busy while I take their stuff.

I already have the building schematics and know my entry and exit points as well as backup points in case I need a different way out. I have 10 minutes to get everything and get out after triggering Hulk. I already hacked into Starks system and bypassed his ai, who is actually a pretty cool dude.

This is all taking place tomorrow night when the other half of the  avengers get back from a mission. With half the team tired it'll give me more of an advantage.

And yeah I know it would be easier with half the team gone BUT if I can sneak in steal their stuff and get out again with the whole team there, it just proves I'm way better. A worthy nemesis to the avengers.

Still I do have to look out for some of them. Like I said before they're good at their job. The ones I have to watch out for are Quicksilver, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Spider Man, Scarlet Witch, and Loki.

Quicksilver is like super fast. I can't react fast enough to fight against him. He is one of the ones coming back from the mission but he recovers fast.

Black Widow is super skilled and has a great reaction time. She can take me down in five minutes or under.

Winter Soldier is enhanced and his abilities almost match mine exactly. if I'm correct he can hear me coming through the vents from the floor below.

Spider Man is also enhanced and his abilities out match mine. Not to mention his webs are extremely hard to get out of and take me around four minutes to cut through with my claws and teeth. Don't ask how I know...

Scarlet Witch can get in my head. If she does she'll be able to figure out where I am. Apparently she can also make you see things or pass out.

Loki's pretty much the same as Scarlet Witch. Except he can actually mind control you. He also spawns weapons, so I'ma avoid him. All of them really.

Now the question you all are wondering. Why am I doing this? Easy. Because I can. And I can't sleep so I've just been planning this.

I get up from my bed and grab a oversize shirt. I walk down the stairs to my little living room. I look out the big window seeing the city lights in the distance, I wish I could see the stars.

I feel the soulmate mark on my right ribs tingle softly. I rub a hand over it softly. It's a firefly sitting on a bullet. I know you're somewhere out there. A tear rolls down my cheek.

A/N- Thanks for reading! It was hard thinking of a soulmate mark for a certain red head. 😂
These are like what Vesper's apartment looks like. 👇🏽

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