Chapter 5

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Vesper pov.

"I know you're somewhere out there."

Well that's ironic. As soon as I say that the song plays. I roll my eyes wiping the tears away. I look out to the night sky where the moon sits in the middle of the darkness surrounded in a glowing halo.

Damn I sound so sappy.

I hate this song... It always makes me cry...


I huff looking at the speaker I just murdered. It crackles as I pull the knife out of it.

Alright that's enough moping. Time to get to work.

I grab my brief case and set it on the floor pushing the secret button it has. It opens and turns into a motorcycle. Yes I practically made a transformer. I just need to put in the 4 in one wheels. I need gripy tires to go up the building. And the stealth wheels to get out. The other two are for emergency use if necessary.

My suit also needs a delayed upgrade. My shift got bigger so I need to adjust the size shrinker and size expander. Here's how it works. When I shift into my third form, which to be short just makes me look like a furry, my suit is set to expand to fit that form. And when I shift to my forth form which is just my cat form, my suit shrinks to fit it. My forms got bigger lately though that's why I need to change the sizes. I'm not really sure why I'm growing again though, I thought I finished.

Ding dong

Who could that be? I walk quietly towards the door. I sniff the air, it's not someone I know. I grab a hand gun from underneath the coffee table.

"Who is it?" I ask firmly holding the gun at the ready.

"Oh hi! I heard someone new moved in so I came to introduce myself." A womans voice said from behind the door. I unlock the door opening it enough for just my head to show.

"Whoa..." The blonde said looking up at me with an amazed look. I raised a brow at her reaction.

"Eheh sorry. You just have stunning eyes. I'm Sharon, I live a few doors down." She said holding a hand out to me.

"Vesper. And thanks most people find them creepy." I said shaking her hand, small hand. Or is my hand big? I didn't think I grew that much.

"No they're amazing. Uhm I have to go to work but you know if you ever need anything I'm here." She said smiling at me and looking at me through her lashes. Oh that's what she meant by that...

"Right. Nice meeting you. See ya around." I said backing up and closing the door quickly. I shuddered thinking of what she was implying. I am not doing that with no one but my soulmates.

Natasha pov.

"You'll never guess what happened to me this morning!" Sharon said walking up to the table Wanda, Carol, Maria, and I were sitting at.

"What?" Maria said excitedly.

"So yesterday my neighbor Lisa said that she saw someone moving in a few doors down from us. So this morning I went to introduce myself, right? And the hottest guy ever opens the door. He's got platinum blonde white hair and his eyes! Man his eyes! Their half blue and half amber!" Sharon tells us excitedly. She doesn't have a soulmate in case you were wondering.

"Half blue and yellow? Is that even possible?" Wanda wondered out loud.

"Apparently!" Sharon said sitting down resting her head in her hand and sighing.

"You sure you weren't seeing things?" Carol asked her smirking. She loves teasing.

"I wasn't! I swear! When I complemented his eyes he said most people find them creepy." She answered smugly.

"Before you get your hopes up you should make sure he doesn't have a soulmate." I said to her. It's sad that someone wouldn't have a soulmate. I'm lucky I have thirteen, they are my whole world. I pull Wanda closer giving her a kiss on the cheek. We're just missing one.

A/N- A bit delayed update but here it is! I got a bit stuck on this chapter cuz the story is like way ahead in my mind. 😂😅 Anyways thanks for reading!

^ Vesper's eyes except a brighter blue and amber

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^ Vesper's eyes except a brighter blue and amber.

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