A turn

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This scene takes place after Courtney and Duncan win the wedding episode and Owen gets booted in TDWT

Courtneys POV-

The only real perk of winning this challenge is invincibility. Being in first class with Duncan is absolute hell. I'd much prefer the regular seats with everyone else. "Aw, come on, Court, you can't hate me forever," he groaned, blocking my way. "Actually, I can," I retorted, turning away. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, you're way hotter than Gwen," he persisted. Standing up, I declared, "You're too annoying," and moved to another seat.

A boy can dream, and I would never take that green highlighter back, not ever. I yearn to speak with a girl from home named Amy. She's been my "best friend" since we were three. The last time I saw her was the day before the celebrity manhunt. I miss her terribly; she truly is the best friend I've ever had. Heather might seem like a friend, but she's only feigning affection to avoid elimination. And yes, I'm aware Alejandro doesn't like me—it's obvious, and the feeling is mutual. I'm only using him to make Duncan jealous, which is evidently failing. I want to come clean about the entire love triangle debacle. Suddenly, I stand up to approach Chris.

Duncans POV -I watch Courtney exit the room, uncertain of her destination. Frankly, I've stopped caring. She penned a 32-page essay on how to be a better boyfriend; I would never date such a domineering person again. As for Gwen, I'm not sure... Suddenly, an announcement interrupts my thoughts over the speaker, "Can everyone meet at the voting area? No one is getting booted," Chris yells through the speaker.


Alejandro, Heather, Cody, Sierra, Blainley, and Duncan sit waiting for Chris. "Wait, where's Courtney?" Sierra asks Duncan. "No clue," Duncan replies, just as confused as she is. Suddenly, Chris walks out with Courtney following behind him, a sly grin on her face. "I've called you here to address a certain... how do I put this... a fiasco?" he continues. "Now, before I tell everyone what happened, please welcome back a camper, Gwen!" announces Chris.

Courtney and Gwen rush to hug eachother, causing all the campers' jaws to drop. "Finally!" exclaims Courtney, relief evident on her face. "I know, right?" Gwen agrees as they walk over to stand beside Chris. "Okay, what the heck is going on?" Heather demands. "Why don't the girls tell you," Chris suggests with a smirk, turning to Gwen and Courtney. "The love triangle wasn't real; Chris paid me and Court to do it," Gwen reveals, giggling. "WHAT?" Duncan screams. "Yeah, neither of us likes you..." Courtney admits, laughing. "AM I DREAMING RIGHT NOW?" Sierra shouts, jumping up and down. "Nope," Chris confirms. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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