Chapter 5

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Hi lovelies I am back with another chapter. I will skip Mo ran's punishment part but I really want them to react to it because of the funny scenes in it. But let's just skip it and explain to them since we have better things to attend to. I am really excited for the butterfly town chapter. Now, now I won't waste your time. Let's get to reactions.

Kaiu entered the reaction room with Alex following behind. Usually there was loud noises and chatters. But this time there was none. It was all silence. Confused she asked "What happend? Why are you all silent?"

She waited for a long time but there was no response. So she asked again. "What is it? You can tell me?"

Someone finally responded. "We are really sorry. But We think we broke that drinking machine. We never used it before .At first ,we turned it on and drink started to come. But no matter how much we tapped it .It didn't stop pouring more drinks."

Kaiu went to check. "Oh. Don't worry you didn't break it. You tapped on the wrong button. You should tap This green buttons for the drinks to come and the red button to stop."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. There were wealthy clan's in the room. But these items. They had never seen it before and they were afraid it costs more than they think.

Kaiu :"Anyways let's get back to the reactions." Saying that both Kaiu and Alex went to the sit on their seats. Alex turned on the TV and the good old reactions were back.

Chapter 7.

The scorching sun was overhead.

The Sisheng peak was a hundred miles wide, with continuous corridors.

As a rising star among the various cultivation sects, it was quite different from the famous clans in the upper cultivation world.

Take the current flourishing Linyi Rufeng Sect as an example. Its main hall was called the Hall of Six Virtues. It hoped that its disciples would have "wisdom, faith, holiness, righteousness, benevolence, and loyalty." The area where the disciples lived was called the Hall of Six Elements. It advised its disciples to have "filial piety, friendship, harmony, marriage, trust, and compassion." The place where the lessons were taught was called the Hall of Six Arts. It referred to the fact that Rufeng sect's disciples had to be proficient in the six arts of etiquette, music, archery, driving, calligraphy, and mathematics.

Nangong Si was proud at the mention of his sect .

In short, it was boundlessly elegant.

On the other hand, the Sisheng peak was worthy of being born in poverty. The names it gave were difficult to explain in a few words. "Core Heart Hall" and "Good and Evil Hall" were both good names. It was probably because Mo Ran's father and uncle didn't study much that they couldn't think of more than a few words. They started to mess around, displaying a talent for naming things like "Xue Ya."

Xue zhengyong chuckled.

Therefore, the Sisheng peak copied many of the names of the underworld. For example, the secret room where the disciples reflected was called Yama Hall.

The jade bridge connecting the resting area and the teaching area was called the Bridge of Helplessness. The dining hall was called the Meng Po Lobby, the martial arts field was called the Mountain of Blades and Sea of Flames, the forbidden area behind the mountain was called the Room of Dead Ghosts, and so on.

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