where I am?

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-Zoé, Zoé, thank God you're awake, the operation has been a success and you can see and hear too.
- I still see blurry, who are you?
- It must be because you are not used to the light, I am Nurse Luna, Doctor Flor's assistant.
- When am I going to get out of here?
- in 17 hours
- Tomorrow at 7 in the morning?
- That's Zoe.
In a matter of minutes, my life was no longer the same, everything had changed, I could see and hear things that I couldn't do before. But now I can... then I remembered the moment when I became deafblind.

I was 3 years old and my parents were fighting, I think it was one of the biggest fights they had. I was hiding under the bed but I got hungry so I went to the kitchen. My parents were arguing there so I had to be discreet since my father was drunk, I passed by the walls near the window, when out of nowhere a tennis ball interrupted the room breaking the window, the ball hit the bottle of my father's beer, the kitchen was full of glass flying like birds all at once without order and out of control, my mother ran but some glass got stuck in her legs when she tripped, and my father jumped but got stuck in the glass. the window in the head. They were hurt. But the glass got stuck in my eyes and I lost my sight and the ball bounced off my head so hard that I started to bleed and heard a loud ringing in my ear.

That was the last time I was able to see and hear until today.

I looked to the right and there was a table with letters, flowers and gifts from various people,
Grandma, Aunt, Mom, Dad...
I realized that I didn't have friends my age, since I had never gone to normal school, I only did classes at home with a teacher who taught me Braille so I could read, I love reading, books taught me what I know.
Now I will finally be able to go to a normal school with teenagers my age.

(the next day 7AM)

-Zoé! Your Mother has come to look for you, put on your clothes and come down.
I went down and saw my mother...
She had changed a lot, I ran and gave her a big, tight hug to make her understand that she had missed her.

- I'm very happy to see you again after so long.
My mother had tears in her eyes, it made me feel good something like Happiness, That's right, I was happy we returned home by car.
I loved looking out the car window as we moved forward, it was as if the world was going backwards, it was very fun. I rolled down the car window and stuck my head out, I could feel the wind on my face and in my hair, I could see the lights of the big skyscrapers shining above me, I could hear the sound of people's shoes walking and the traffic, appreciate the yellow of the taxis, everything seemed unreal, like floating in the middle of a dream, it was perfect, I felt very alive.
After a while, my mother told me what she had been waiting for me to say so much.

- I think that now that you can see and hear, you can go to school in person.

that day what used to be a dream would become a reality.

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