I had never felt

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-Mom I'm leaving
- Where are you going Zoe?
- to the forest, see you
- be careful ok
-Yes mom, don't worry
I ran out of the house, today my friends invited me to a place that until now I had only read about in books but now I was going to live it, I was going to see with my own eyes what I had never seen before, some people describe that place as a dark and mysterious place and other people like a happy and light place I think it depends on what time you go.

And I arrived at the forest, the air was fresh as snow, the trees were tall like skyscrapers and the sound that invaded the forest was the sweet and melodious song of the birds that flew over the foliage of the trees. I continued walking and passed by a rocky stream. of crystal clear water. The forest felt so unreal accompanied by the endless, clear dark blue sky. This place looked infinitely better than in the descriptions in the books. I will never forget that welcoming breeze that hit my face when I reached the forest.

I was wandering around the forest until I found Meison writing one of his songs. He was standing in a place where the sun's rays could still pass through the trees around him.

And I felt something I had never felt before, I saw him in a different way, I had never seen someone like that. I felt like my heart stopped beating, for a moment time stopped, everything stopped and the only thing I saw in the reflection of my eyes was Him, and from that moment the word love made sense to me.

I was about to run away until he looked at me out of the corner of his eye and there was silence between the two of us.

- Zoe
- Do you want me to accompany you to where Arturo and Wren are, they went to see the river.
- I, I think it's better to go alone.
- whatever you want, they are not far from here.
- and what are you doing here ?
- no nothing thinking about the chorus for my song
do you want to see it?
- maybe tomorrow, tomorrow is Sunday you will be free.
- Yes, I guess so..

I walked to where Arturo and Wren were, but on the way I couldn't stop thinking about how uncomfortable it was for me and how relaxed he looked. I arrived at the river where Arturo and Wren were
Wren and Arturo were looking into each other's murderous eyes when I arrived.
- Am I interrupting something?
Wren started smiling out of nowhere and said in an overly cheerful tone
-You arrive just in time Zoe
- Seriously, what are you doing?
Wren started his sentence but Arturo interrupted her. There was some tension between the two but I decided to ignore it. I guess they'll get over it.

- We are filling water balloons, so when Meison arrives we can throw them at each other and cool off a little.

Sounds good
We hid with the balloons behind rocks, trees and bushes while we waited for Meison to arrive to attack him by surprise and when he arrived I came out of my hiding place to attack him but something wouldn't let me, I stared at Meison and he stared at me so they ran away. Wren and Artueo and began to throw the water balloons over Meison. Then Meison ran and stole the balloon he had in his hand and threw it at me. We spent the whole afternoon throwing water balloons in the forest. That day I felt happy.

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