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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻
trevor knows math !

𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻trevor knows math !

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the draft had been, eventful, to say the least. the only good part had been justin bieber and the fact that michael buble was high as shit. lexie had to try really fucking hard to not laugh, it had been a struggle but she made it work.

the majority of it she had been spaced out, honestly a little bored. she wished she had been lucky enough to get on team hughes since she actually knew them but she had been assigned to mackinnon instead, where she knew no one. literally no one. at least jeremy sway and elias lindholm, who seemed kind enough, had been with her.

thankfully it was over now, so with a permanent smile she walked away from the rink, hoping to get away from everyone soon.

obviously the universe hated her and just when she was about to step off the slippery ice she collided with someone. she was two seconds away from slipping and falling embarrassingly when she felt someone grab her waist to stabilize her.

"hey, you good?"

lexie froze even more, her body completely tensing at the voice until she remembered that he was still watching her, waiting for her to answer "yeah, thank you lukey"

"no problem lovie" he said softly, the nickname honestly just slipping off, making them both internally wince "what did you think of the draft?"

"it was interesting, i guess. i think i need to find buble and tell him to give me some of what he's on. i'm pretty sure he's the only one having fun" lexie smiled, half joking half not. the draft honestly took years off her life. it was way more funnier when she was the one watching and not being there.

"sure you do lex. come on" he chuckled, grabbing her hand easily to start dragging her away, only leaving her confused.

"where we going?" she asked, embarrassingly fast giving in to whatever luke was doing. she was sure she would follow him wherever he went, no matter the circumstance.

"you'll see"

"i don't like how vague that sounds"

thankfully, they were able to walk away without any interruptions, the interruptions being literally any of the millions of people that were surrounding them.

luke still wouldn't say were they were going, just dragging her by the hand. lexie was about to protest, groan, say something, when she heard a screech that was a little too recognizable.


she had barely time to blink when ethan ran to her and scooped her up in his arms, grinning like a mad man.

"eddy! what are you doing here?" she grinned widely, completely surprised at his appearance.

"everyone's here!" he answered with a big grin, finally letting go of her, only for dylan to take his place.

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