Schedar squad invasion

15 0 0

Current team: Pepper-Crocalor, Hacksack-Mimikyu, Sally-Klawf, Malicious-Maerienie, Terri-Spidops, Beau-Bruxish.

Florian, still a bit weary after Iono's gym, trudged towards his next destination, Schedar squad base.

Pepper: We could just rest right here until your better.

Florian: I don't need rest.

Pepper: Sure Whatever you say.....😮‍💨.(I still can't believe Sprig was actually mean.)

The group continued when they noticed a Steel-Tera raid den explode and a dazed Sandile came out.

Sandile:π¥®=×÷^^÷π^^45584"7-&#7++_"(-'!99.... where am I?

Pepper: Are you lost?

Sandile: I...don't remember.... anything?

Pepper: Hey, there's someone who went through basically the same thing as you. You two would be really good friends.


Pepper: Yes!

Sandile: I'll go with you since I have no idea where I am.

Pepper: Yay!

DeNile-Sandile joined the group.

The group finally made it to the entrance of the Base.

"Clive": Florian, my "broski" have you come to dismantle this base?

Florian didn't notice "Clive" and continued into the base with Malicious-Maerienie, Pepper-Crocalor, Sally-Klawf.

The base fell easily to Florian's team.

A loud vrooming sound, just like from the Segin base, reverberated through the base. A large red car machine drove out with a punk looking, redhead girl standing on top.

Mela: You made a bad choice picking a fight with Team star.

Mela sent out Torkoal while Florian sent out Malicious-Maerienie.

Torkoal's presance caused the air to become hotter. Malicious set Toxic spikes all over and  then switched out for Pepper-Crocalor, who sang screeching notes to faint Torkal.

Mela's Starmobile was now fully active.

Florian swapped Pepper for Sally-Klawf, bulking a Overheating from the Starmobile.

Florian Terastalized Sally into a Rock-type as she threw a bunch of Rocks at the Starmobile, causing it to break down.

Mela: You're kidding, right?!

Florian left the base dismantled.

Florian: (2 down, 3 to go).

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