The final gym

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Current team: Pinch-Crabominable, Odysseus-Amoonguss, Esa-Gothorita, CippyCoppy-Ditto, Cathy-Bombirder, Terra-Glimmet.

The group was now training at the summit of Glaseado Mountain for the final gym. Esa and Terra evolved from the training.

Florian: Good we're ready for the gym  then.

A Cryogenal floated upside down and bumped into Florian. This annoyed him, so he captured it.

The group descended from the summit to find a gym without a town overlooking a large lake.

Florian enrolled for the gym test: Ride on a Pokemon down a slippery slope. So Florian rode Miraidon and got a perfect score.

Florian went back to the battlefield to challenge the gym leader. A man wearing a snow jacket and scarf stood on the other side.

Grusha: I've heard about you. You managed to get 7 badges already but you shouldn't get so cocky. Life can derail you and you lose everything.

Florian: You're the last obstacle so let's finish this.

Grusha sent out Frosmoth while Florian sent out Terra-Glimmora

Terra blasted a bunch of power gems while nearly bulking out a Blizzard. Terra blasted a poisonous blast to faint Frosmoth.

Grusha sent out Beartic while Florian sent out Pinch-Crabominable.

Pinch bulked out a Earthquake and retaliated with Brick break.

Beartic fainted

Grusha sent out Cetitan while Florian sent out CippyCoppy-Ditto.

CippyCoppy transformed into Cetitan. They went at it for a while but it wasn't going well for CippyCoppy so Florian switched him out for Esa-Gothitelle.

Esa prepared a light screen and launched a Focus blast to faint Cetitan.

Grusha sent out Altaria while Florian sent out Cathy-Bombirder.

Florian Terastalized Cathy into a Dark-type while Grusha Terastalized Altaria into a Ice-type.

Cathy's Heatwaves did barely any damage but they did burn Altaria
A moonblast from Altaria fainted Cathy.

Florian sent out Odysseus-Amoonguss....but he didn't get a single attack in because of an Tera boosted Ice beam.

Odysseus:(So death by extreme cold is how I die....)

Odysseus fainted.

Florian sent out Esa-Gothitelle

Esa launched a Focus Blast to faint Altaria.

Grusha: Well....Maybe you can become a Champion as well.

After the battle, Florian went over to Glaseado's grasp to calm down after getting his last badge. A Lokix curiously approached.

Lokix: Hellooooooooo.

Florian: What do you want?

Lowkey-Lokix: I'm Lowkey, wanna be f-

Florian caught Lowkey out of boredom.


Florian: Great, Now I don't have to see you again.

Nemona: You still have to go to the league to take the Champion's assessment.

Florian:......................................................... really?

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