False Dragon

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Current team: Pepper-Skeledirge, Chonk-Oinkolonge, Pinch-Crabominable, Lowkey-Lokix, The cold one-Cetoddle, Terra-Glimmora

A vast lake was streched out before the group and Arven.

Arven: We should split up to cover more ground you go east, I'll go west.

And so they set off on different paths, but there were beady eyes looking on with malicious intent...

Pinch: Isn't this nice? The three who've been there since the start

Pepper: 23


Pepper: That's how many have died.

Pinch:....What about you Chonk?

Chonk: ꟻiɿƨt, I wɒƨ ʞiɔʞɘb in tʜɘ ʇɒɔɘ, tʜɘn I ɔɒn't ɘvɘn tɒlʞ ɿiϱʜt, I'vɘ dɘɘn in ɒ biϱitɒl dox ʇoɿ moƨt oʇ tʜiƨ "ʇυn įoυɿnɘγ" ɒnb tʜɘɿɘ'ƨ ɒ ɔʜɒnɔɘ tʜɒt I ɔoυlb ႧIƎ! I...I ɔɿγ ɒll tʜɘ timɘ.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Florian: Just focus on finding the herbs.

Pinch didn't try too make anymore conversation until he saw a shaking little...sushi fish?

Pinch: Hello little guy!


Pinch: Woah I won't hurt you. Just wanted someone to talk to

Tatsugiri: I'm sorry for screaming like that. Things have gotten bad around here and I'm scared for my life...you and those others are strong right? Can I go with you?

Pinch: Sure!

Tatata-Tatsugiri: Thanks! I'm-

Florian caught Tatata from behind.

Pinch: You don't have to do that for all of them!

Florian: It's more fun this way.

The group wandered around the path over a set of bridges near a beautiful set of waterfalls.

Miraidon: I haven't found the herb yet.

Florian: It's probably in a cave somewhere.....like there!

A simple group of islands with the lakewater surrounding them on all sides. A loud yawning sound from a Gulpin interrupted the viewing.

Cholkeib-Gulpin: Sorry, I woke up from a loooooong-

Florian caught the Gulpin.

The group continued to a strangely autumn woods. Arven wandered around, not looking where he was going and bumped into Florian.

Arven: Sorry, I just had to get away from the lake.

Florian: I thought we were going towards the Herb, not away from it.

Arven: I know...but I couldn't take all those beady eyes staring at me! Something's wrong with that lake... Let's rest up for tomorrow.

The group made a rather fine campfire(Florian collected the wood and Pepper lit the fire)

That night...

Arven: Soo....where did you learn these cool survival skills?

Florian:...In Unova. Me and my "mom" were homeless so we lived off the land, moved from place to place, I was homeschooled most of the time.

Arven: Why were you living like that? Did your mother do something bad?

Florian: I have an idea why bu-

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