Hate You

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With Jada locked in the room by herself, the first day here was tense. Family and meals mean everything. I swear this woman would jump off a building if I said 'don't jump'. Nonno is pissed off she wouldn't join us for a meal nor would she bring Matteo out. She has holed herself up in the room, alone. For now, I had bigger problems to deal with. I had so much to catch up and I couldn't get in contact with Luca yet so I had no idea what was going on with operations in the states. I had trusted Lorenzo like a brother. All he did was betray me and the anger bubbled up everytime I thought about him. The lies. I wanted to know who he was involved with. I didn't have my contact like I used. I waited for the call from my father, however, so I could use this time to search for answers. I needed to know what was going on out there. Who was pulling these strings. Lorenzo would need help pull off a stunt like this. So much had been involved. I had been such a love sick puppy I couldn't see anything else. The only thing I had right now was my grandfathers connections, the last bit of respect here we commanded was through him. I needed to gather help through him and I would need to repay these favors. I had so much at stake. Between the woman I hated to love and my son, I had to protect them with everything and I had nothing. I second guessed every interaction. I replayed so much that happened, trying to see any short comings. All I could see was Jada. She clouded my mind and memories. There is nothing more frustrating than that stubborn woman. I wanted to do some many things to her. I was one wrong move from losing my shit. It was like every calm fiber in me was being thrown out the window as this one woman continued to push my buttons. She has only made things worse in the months she had been gone. She knew nothing, she was naive and sometimes straight up stupid.My gaze fell to my Nonna who sat out on the patio with me. It had been so long since I had seen her, I wanted to see them back on better circumstances. When I was happy. That felt like forever ago."What's bothering you so much. You got you Nonno to go plead for help even after her disrespect."I knew we needed the help. We would need reenforcements as soon as we could or we could end up dead. Matteo isn't the only one they were after. This could be a blood bath, and finding out who else in involved would be pertinent. "I know. I am so thankful. I don't know how to talk to Jada anymore. She's mad at me, even after I helped.""Of course she is. Bucceri men are the most diffcult men anyone will come across of. You have no patience for anything but what you want. Often all you see is the plan you made and nothing else."We sat in the heavy silence of her word. She seemed hurt almost, like this brought up bad memories. "The woman recently had a baby, alone. Her life has exploded on itself twice. The last thing a mom wants is to lose her baby. I can't tell you what to do, I don't know this girl. But, she hasn't had family for months on end. Family is how you get through hard time. Be supportive. Listen. Take care of your family."She didn't stick around long enough to ask any more questions. I couldn't help but think she had went through something like this. I knew little knowledge of everything that happened all those decades ago. It couldn't be too far off. I stood up and past through the dining room. I needed to talk to Jada, to get on the same page. To help make this fucked up situation work.As I walked into the foyer, she was coming downstairs with Matteo in her hand. He looked around curiously. He looked way and immediately a smile formed on his face, his tongue popping out as a small shriek came out. he had a white blanket with black designs on. I looked to Jada, her eyes had dark circles under her eyes. I could hear the babies cries through the night, even though she barracded herself in the room. "Good morning," I said to her. "Hi," She squeaked out. It was 10 am, she was bound to be hungry skipping dinner. She was trying to dodge all of us, but that would no work. She tried to walk around me, but I stepped in front of her."Good morning Matteo," I said in a softer voice.I waved to him as he focused on me. He was adorable. He was the cutest baby I had ever seen with these chubby cheeks and big brown eyes. He stayed leaned up againist his mother for support. His hair was sparse in some parts but had a full head of hair that curled at the ends. "We need to talk-" I started to say when I heard an unusal noise.Not like a door opening, but it came from beyond the front door. My sense could smell the danger and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. It felt all too familiar. Everything seemed to stop. Someone was coming toward the door, I just knew it. I pulled Jada toward me. Before she could utter a word I covered her mouth. Even if they already heard us, they don't need to know we know. I motioned for her to be quiet. I put her behind me and moved closer to the door. How many people were here? I listened as the lock slowly turn and I wished I had a gun on me. The door opened and I immeddiately swung at the man crouched down in front of me, knocking him down. My eyes darted up and seen the gun and two more men standing by. I moved to quickly slam the door shut as a gun shot went off. The ringing in my ears made it harder to hear, but I quickly moved the table with in front of the door. I could hear the screams of my son. I quickly turned on my heel and seen Jada frozen in place as Matteo wailed in front of her. I had to keep them safe. I can block upstairs, there is only one entrance and I can block that myself. It went dead silent after that open gunshot. I went to reach over to help lead Jada upstairs but a sudden wave of heat and wet expanded around my should. I had no time to deal with this and pushed past the familiar feeling. I moved them up the stair quickly. I waved my hand in front of her face."Jada, listen!" I whispered in her ear."In the room, hide now." That seemed to snap her out and a look of horror plastered all over her face. She grabbed our son and smushed his face into her and rocked the baby. His muffled cries were lowered. I had no time to say more. I sent out a '112' with my phone to my Nonna, watching carefully as I moved moved down the staits and into the kitchen. I had no weapon and no time. They were not trying to breech the front door which meant they could be anywhere. I moved as fast as I could, keeping my feet light. I had to keep this house safe until back up came. I held tight to the wall looking closely. My alert was high as I listened closely, but the silence was deafening. They were almost here. I swiftly checked the kitchen. The L shaped kitchen blocked the view from the right, as the wall turned off. It looked cleared, allowing me to grab the knife from the counter off the right, out of the knife block. As I grabbed it I heard the clunk of a food. I had no time, and a shoulder wound on my dominate hand. I had to close the space quickly to even have a chance. I moved myself across the the kitchen, pressed up against the right wall. Another soft thunk before it went silent. I waited, hearing a whisper and soft footsteps that came into view. I took one final look behind me, not seeing anyone. I steadied my breath just as one came around the corner. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closed to me and stabbed his chest. The man screamed as I forced my right arm to reach out to grab the gun out of his hand. I slammed my left fist into his face and pushed him into his accomplice. They fell into one another and stumbled into the kitchen chair cause a huge commotion, causing a shot to go off and into the ceiling. I moved back over to the counter, knowing my location had been given away. It was an unintensional distraction but the best thingn that could happpen. I crouched down and prepared myself to attack. My arm felt more wet as pins and neddles ran down my arm. I looked and seen the blood spot had gotten wider, slowly leaking. I felt tired and a bit dizzy. I didn't have a lot time before I could possible pass out. This little wound couldn't spot me from keeping them safe. I wouldn't let it. I just kept them in mind, Jada and Matteo. I would not fail them. Not again. I seen the the peak of a boot and rammed my body into the man with my right shoulder with sent a shock of pain, but my eyes shot open. I let the anger fuel me as I beat the man in front of me. I used the gun to pistol whip him. I watched his eyes roll into the back of his head. I stomped his face in some more before moving on. I needed that back up now, what is taking everyone so long. I don't even know where Nonna is. I stood up and took the gun from the man, hosltering it in my back pants. I moved over his and held the gun with my stronger hand in front of me. My arm pain was increasing and I could feel the blood trickling down my chest, stomach and toward my pants. I checked my sourroundings, and went to the dinning room to check for any more enemies. It was clear. I heard this loud thud from the stairs and turned around. I immediately ran over, seeing as Jada ran down the stairs with a sling around her shoulder and a bag in her hand. Two moments laters a man stumbled and ran into the wall. I lifted my right arm up quickly and aimed at the man to steady myself. I let the shot go off as the recoil ran direct into my right shoulder. I winced and kneeled in pain. I looked up and watched as Jada turned to look behind her. Her face turned back toward me and ran my way. I smiled in relief as she had our son safely, she supported her sling with one hand. She looked back once again as she came toward me. She ran past me instead. We were not in the clear and back up would be here soon. I started to stand up but she past me. I stood up all the way despite my dizziness and pain. I took a few steps trying to muster the enegry to move, the blood trickling down my pants. My eyes immediately spotted an enemy in the living room holding his gun. His line of sight was outside, waiting for her. I lifted my gun and shot the enemy. She screamed out and stopped suddenly, dropping the bag. The baby cried out in response. I ran over to them pulling them back into the house and into the corner, just as another shot went off. "Idiot," I said to her with heavy breath. I pulled her close into my arms as I began to lose my vision. I bit my cheek waking myself up. Matteo wouldn't stop crying, we were in an open position, two many ways to attack. This was the worst position we couldn found ourselves in. I cursed under my breath. I was losing more blood than I expected. Where was back up? Think!I kissed Jada's forehead before standing up. My shoulder was burning and that was keeping me awake. Keeping me from passing out. I prepared myself, knowing I had more of a fight. The enemny walked through, pointing a much bigger gun than I expected at us. I pushed the gun away and punched him in the stomach. Before I could lift my gun another shot went off, the man freezing and falling down. And more gun fire could be heard. I blinked and a man stood in front of me. I pushed him back and drew my weapon. "Son!" My Nonno's voice called out to my right. I turned my head to see him standing firmly and briskly walking toward us. I turned around to see Jada covering out boy with her body. "Jada?" I called out, the noise of other men in the home made it louder than ever before.She turned her face to me, her cheek was pink and looked slighly swollen. She seemed relieved more than anything. She was okay. My son was okay. I did it this time."I will, always protect you.. I will.. I..n-"

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