Melt Yourself Down

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Okay, so this was all most certainly Charlie's fault. She knew it. If she never cast that spell, if she was never curious, if she never took off her damn hood, none of this would've happened.

Heaven declared war on Hell! How stupid can they be?!

"The archangels..?"

Charlie lifts her head to look at her father. He wears a concerned face with a pinch of fear laced in him. The girl lowers her eyes to glare at the golden paper that resides in the grapes of the other's hand. Lucifer completely crumples the paper and stands up.

"Wait, Dad, where are you going?" She quickly wobbles onto her two legs.

The man pauses before looking back, "Charlie, this is a serious matter, and I can't have you harmed in any way possible—!"

"No!" Charlie stomps in front of him to block his way to exit, "I created this whole mess; I need to solve it!"

Lucifer frowns, "Sweetie, please. Let me handle everything—!"

"Nope!" The girl interrupts her dad again. She'll apologize to him for the disrespect later, but at the moment, this was no father-daughter cutesy moment. This was fucking war.

"It's either we figure all this out together, or... everything will go downhill!"

Charlie raises a hand to her chest and points to herself, "I caused this, so I'll fix it."

Her dad hesitates and stares at her with fear. His eyes grow soft, and a deep sigh leaves his mouth, "Fine."

Lucifer looks up to see the girl's hopeful face; he practically melts, "I just don't want you to get hurt. I mean, if you get injured, I don't know what I'd do—!"

The girl cuts the other off by rapidly shaking her head and waving her hands dismissively, "Don't worry! I promise I'll fix this..."

A determined look conjures on the girl's face, but her father is the opposite. He has a look of fear, but it's horribly masked with forced confidence. The man frowns, walks up to her, and places his hands on her shoulder.

"Charlie, listen." His face morphs from fear to uncertainty, "Heaven isn't nice; I'm sure you already know that..."

Lucifer looks away in shame. Charlie's face drops, and he nods, "Uh, Vaggie told me about the punishments."

The other's eyes widen, "She did what?!"

The sudden outburst makes Charlie stumble back a few steps in shock. Lucifer quickly realizes his mistake and clears his throat, "I- I mean, what? Punishments? Pfft, what's that?"

Charlie sends an unimpressed look to him. The man continues his dumb act, "I mean, that's crazy. Like, damn—wowzers!"

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