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Charlie and her friends are sitting around a small table. Scribbles of plans and paragraphs on what to do about the war layouts on papers scattered all over the room. The background noise of a show on the T.V. helps everyone focus. Currently, everybody was sharing plans and discussing what their next move should be.

"That sounds like a solid plan!"

Charlie claps her hands together as she finally pieces together a broken plan. Angel Dust beams, "Totally."

He stands up from his sitting position, stretching his arms and back. He glances at a clock that hangs on a wall.


Turning away from the clock and group, he struts to the room door, "Heya, I'm gonna get a snack. You guys want anything?"

Angel grabs the door handle and turns it. The door doesn't budge.

"Oo, can you see if there is any popcorn?"

"Get me a drink."

"Check if there's any chips."

Trying again, Angel pushes the door open, but with more strength. It doesn't open. He frowns and turns to everybody, "Hey, uh. The door won't open."

The talking dies down as the group looks at Angel. Charlie raises a brow, and she stands up, "What? Oh no, are you sure?"

She walks up to the door and tries to open the door herself. It doesn't work. Charlie frowns, and she attempts again, but this time with power. Same thing, not a single budget. The girl groans, "Ugh, why now?!"

She lazily smacked the door, but she saw something glow as she did. Charlie stares at the door before hitting it again. Her eyes widen when she realizes, "Holy shit, there's a barrier over the door."

That gains everybody's attention. Vaggie rushes over to Charlie, "What?"

Slowly, everybody stands around the door, observing the barely visible golden sheet over the door. Vaggie puts her fingertips on the door, recognizing the barrier's energy.

"Vaggie, what's wrong?" Charlie puts her hand on her girlfriend's shoulders.

Vaggie steps away from the door, "There's angelic energy."

Everybody turns to her, all saying the same thing, "What?!"

Charlie glances between Vaggie and the door, "But how--why?"

Before she could get another question in, the T.V. flashed and sounded alarmed. Everyone turns to the T.V. The screen shows 'BREAKING NEWS'.

The introduction screen slid away, revealing Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench. On the top right corner of the screen is a live video showing exorcists and angels flying through a portal. Charlie feels her stomach drop, and her heart nearly stops.

We're Out of Line, Out of MoralsWhere stories live. Discover now