Limitless Seven

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Lucifer had a gut feeling. He felt that the war would start soon, and that feeling never went away. It only began when he had sent Charlie and her friends to Asmodeus's place. Maybe it was an angel thing to be able to detect when danger was near because Lucifer felt like danger was at his doorstep, about to bust the door down.

Since the news announcement, Hell has been silent, yet so loud. On one side, intelligent demons are staying in safe places, like their house. However, one the other side... Demons try to join the battle and prove themselves by killing others.

Thankfully, all of the chaos didn't get to Lucifer, as he was here now. He was sitting in a meeting room with the sins again. Arguing was kept to a minimum (Lucifer had to scold them), and physical fights had been put to the side (Lucifer had to stop them).

At the moment, all seven of them were discussing the plan Lucifer had devised.

"... There is no fucking way we're doing that."

Mammon stared at Lucifer, unimpressed, "This is the stupidest plan ever—!"

"Okay, well, do you have any better ideas?!" Lucifer snarks at the very green sin.

Dead silence appears as everybody looks around at each other. Some share looks of 'I didn't plan shit,' while others share worried glances of 'Someone is about to get their ass whopped.'.

Lucifer groans, and he lets his head fall hard onto the table. The sound of forehead and table slamming against each other was unpleasant, as the table shook a little due to the force. The King ignores the upcoming pain as he slowly picks his head back up.

He stares tiredly at Mammon, "That's what I thought... Did anybody make a plan since the last meeting?"

The King looks at everybody with guilty looks on their faces. Beelzebub ganders at Lucifer with a timid look.

Another loud groan makes everybody stare at Lucifer with a weird look. The Devil hides his face in his hands as he leans against the table, "You mean, after all the bitching from a certain someone, nobody came up with a plan besides me?"

A second moment of silence passes around. Lucifer sighs deeply, "If nobody else has a plan, we're going with mine."

"If you came up with your plan in under five minutes, we can too—!"

"Mammon shut up!" Lucifer slams his hands on the table while glaring at the other.

A third moment of silence passes around. Thirds time a charm?

Lucifer deeply inhales before softly exhaling, "Alright, we're going over the plan one more time without interruptions unless there are questions. Am I clear?"

Everybody agrees without opening their mouths. Lucifer heaves a sigh before rolling his shoulders back to seem more professional. Leviathan raises his hand.

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