Look After Yourself

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Sending a request to be on the news and getting accepted was relatively easy. You know, being the King of Hell and all that. Lucifer checks his appearance in the mirror, ensuring his hair is slicked back evenly, his clothes aren't wrinkled, and he brushes his teeth well. The last time he went on the news, he had a piece of lettuce stuck between his front teeth.

Lucifer smiles with glee when his appearance is perfect. That joy is quickly overtaken by dread, the dread of having actually to go on T.V. after... Seven-ish years?

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but he is the Prince of Lies.

Taking one last glance at himself, he nods in approval and walks towards his door. He pauses in his tracks when a soft knock echoes from the door.

"Who is it?" Lucifer skips forward and grabs the door handle.

"It's Charlie!" A high-pitched voice exclaimed through the door.

Lucifer threw open the door without a second thought, "Charlie!"

A wide grin spreads across his face, and his happy aura spreads to Charlie. She also starts smiling widely. The girl holds her hands behind her back, "So, I heard you were going on the news to announce the war?"

The man nods, "Yep, I'm leaving soon."

Charlie nods too, "I just came here to wish you luck since..."

She trails off, remembering her experience with being on TV. She frowns at the reminder of being humiliated on live television. Lucifer notices the sudden change of atmosphere and looks up at his daughter with worry.

"Charlie, sweetie, are you alright?" He frowns when Charlie jumps at the words.

"Oh! Uhm, y-yeah." The girl looked around the room, glancing at everything but her father.

She wouldn't tell her dad about the encounter with the news lady, Katie Killjoy. He was about to go there himself, and she didn't need him to enter the building in a sour mood! She's a little surprised he didn't know since the footage of her failed attempt to promote the hotel is online, where everyone can see it. Or maybe he does know, and he didn't care?

Whatever, she knows she is not going to bring any of that stuff up until later. If she was already worrying about telling him about the encounter with Katie, she dreads the talk she'll have with him about Angel's boss. Or, maybe she can never tell him about any of those interactions! Especially Valentino's.

"--always tell me what's wrong."

Charlie snaps out of her thoughts, and she stares down at Lucifer. She was probably spacing out while staring at him.

"O-oh, yes! Definitely!"

She fiddles with the hem of her shirt, avoiding eye contact with her dad. Lucifer feels a little heartbroken when Charlie evades looking at him, but he doesn't push her. He glances at a clock that stands on his desk.

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