Rugged Souls

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Lucifer did not think this through. Although the universe did shift, and he wasn't absent for those seven years, he still had his social awkwardness. Technically, he didn't interact with the six sins for a while, but he was on good speaking terms with them in this universe!

He stares down at his phone, the screen shining on his face. Messages between himself and Beelzebub are staring right back at him. Past messages from not too long ago make Lucifer cringe. Technically, he was talking about sin, but at the same time, it wasn't. Curse this stupid timeline, alternate universe shit.

"Okay, just send a quick message."

Lucifer bites his cheek, and he types a mini text to Beelzebub. He re-reads the text multiple times before sending it off to the sin. He lets go of a deep breath he didn't know he was holding and slouches into his seat.

Looking down at his phone again, his eyes widened when he saw three bubbles, indicating Beelzebub was typing a response. Nerves rack up his spine as he waits for a response.



Lucifer: Heyyyyyyy, so I'm holding a meeting in an hour. Can you make it?

Beelzebub: Yeah! In the Pride Ring? Usual meeting room?

Lucifer: Yes! See you soon.

Beelzebub: Cya soon old man

Lucifer: Oh, can you also tell the other sins about the meeting?

Beelzebub: Sure, who?

Lucifer: All of them?

Beelzebub: Are u fr making me do ur work?

Lucifer: Maybe.

Beelzebub: Fine, but don't expect Mammon to be there.

Lucifer: That's fine.

Setting down his phone, he glances at the time.


"Fuck!" Lucifer jumps out of his seat and snaps his fingers to change his appearance.

His clothes quickly changed from his pajamas to his suit and top hat. His hair slicked back, and his apple cane summoned in his hands. Huffing, he rotates his body around, and he teleports to the meeting room in a puff of red smoke and glitter.

He hoped this was the usual meeting room; it's been a while. He spawns in a spacious room with a long table and multiple chairs. Scanning the room, he makes sure everything is placed neatly, and there are no other demons and spies.

Nodding to himself when everything seems just about right, he summons his phone to recheck the time.


Lucifer raises an eyebrow. Was it just him, or was time going by fast?

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