Silver Skies

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When Lucifer opened his eyes, he was surprised. He didn't expect even to open them, and if he could open his eyes, he would've thought he had reincarnated. Nope, he was still in his original body. Fuzzy tiredness fades away as he lazily blinks his eyes. He tried his best to look around the room, but moving his head sounded too much work. He assumes he's in his bedroom due to the soft bed, the white ceiling, and the rubber ducks surrounding him.

He notices a small lamp by his side due to the brightness of it. Oh, right, brightness. Light. He was attacked by holy light multiple times, which probably means he's slowly dying. Lucifer feels his throat itch, and he grimaces at the feeling.

Somebody shoots their head up and rests their head next to his bedside.


Lucifer groans, "...What."

His voice came out raspy and groggy. His mouth felt dry, and his throat burned. The King tries to focus on the voice that calls out to him, and that's when he sees a mop of blonde hair.

"Oh my-- Dad!"

The person sprang up and was now in his field of vision.

"Huh, Charlie?"

The girl had tears in her eyes as she covered her mouth. The tears did not leave a good taste in Lucifer's mouth, "Charlie, why are you crying?"

She sniffles and gasps silently, "I-I... I thought you wouldn't wake up..."

Well, shit, how long was he out for? Lucifer forces his hand up; no matter how tired his body is, he tugs at the end of her shirt, "Sweetie, don't worry. I'm awake, I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" Charlie quickly grabs his hand, and she kneels on the floor, "When I saw you-- Oh my God--It was horrible!"

She squeezes his hand, "You were covered in blood, you had all types of injuries, and you were barely breathing!"

Charlie hides her face in the blankets, and she sobs, "Why would you fight them alone?! You said you would let me fight, but you decided to lock me away!"

Lucifer stares at his daughter. Just like Alastor said, he betrayed Charlie's trust. He lets his hand fall limp, "I... I wasn't alone. The other sins were--."

"Seven versus hundreds of angels?! Dad, you could've died, and you almost did!"

Charlie's breathing was all over the place as she began to rant, "You made a whole deal with Alastor so I couldn't leave, you planned everything behind my back, you fought the battle that I caused! And now look at you! You're..."

She trails off her sentence and raises her head to look at her dad. He could barely keep his eyes open. She chokes down a cry, and she squeezes his hand tightly. Lucifer stares at the tearful girl; her weeping is his fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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