Golden Ratio

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"Why would he lie to me?!"

Charlie buries her hands in her hair, and she messes it. Anger and confusion cloud her mind as she tries to think of a good reason why her dad would trap her and her friends at Asmodeus's place. Only one possible answer screams at her.

He wanted to protect her.

Charlie whines in frustration. Alastor walks up to the princess, "Now, now, Charlie. Your absent father only made this deal to--!"

A loud crack rings around the room. Everybody inside turns to where the noise was made—the door.

A long split in the barrier glows brightly, and the fracture grows larger. Suddenly, the barrier shatters, and golden magic disperses everywhere. Everybody stands still in shock, staring at the exit.

Charlie bolts to the door, and she throws it open. She runs out of the room, ignoring the pleas for her to come back. She turned sharply around a corner, not knowing where she was heading; all she knew was that she needed to get to go to her dad.

A black tendril wraps around her body, and she's hauled into the air. Alastor appears behind her, "Charlie, you can't leave."

Charlie sneers, "Alastor, let me go!"

The man shakes his head, "I can't do that."

The rest of her friends round the corner. Vaggie huffs, "Charlie, wait! You can't just--!"

"Charlie-- What the fuck, Alastor!?" Angel Dust runs up to the two.

Husk groans, "Seriously?"

Vaggie elbows Husk before running to Alastor, "Put her down!"

The sinner shakes his head, "I can't do that. How many times do I have to say that?"

Vaggie scowls, "You stupid asshole, put her down!"

She brings out her angelic spear and aims it to Alastor's neck. The demon hums, "Understand that this is for the princess's safety."

The ex-angel clicks her tongue, "Don't give me that. You don't care about her; you're only doing this because--!"

"Because I made a deal with her father. Now, please put that weapon down."

Alastor smiles wickedly at Vaggie. She bites her lips, drawing some blood, "Listen to me, bitch--!"

A low growl escapes Charlie's lips, and her eyes burn red. Her hair floats up, and a sudden power surge shakes the room. Alastor's tentacle disintegrates away, dropping the princess to the ground. His eyes were wide, and his mouth was agape in surprise.

Charlie's face was twitching, "Don't stop me anymore. I am going back to the Pride Ring. I don't care if you join me, don't stop me anymore!"

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