Yesterday's Tomorrow

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Before the spear could break, Lucifer wrapped his tail around Michael's leg, hurling the man far away. The spear snapped due to the sudden pressure change, the loud crack making Lucifer cringe. He tosses the broken weapon before turning around to find the archangel.

The angel was already back on his feet, flying towards Lucifer again. The ex-angel swiftly unfurls his wings, and he gets leverage from the barrier. He flies towards Michael, meeting the man halfway. The protector switches his hands so the sword lies in his left hand. Confused, Lucifer halted in his path and shot up in the sky, flying above everybody. He watches as Michael's eyes follow him, but his body stays in the same motion.

A bright light was forming in Michael's hand, holy light. Lucifer barely has time to react as the hand that holds the blade is aimed at him and then chucked his way. The King's eyes widened, and he narrowly escaped the attack by jerking his body to the side. By that time, his smile dropped and was now barring his teeth.

Lucifer whirls his body to Michael, who is about to burn him with light. The angel was flying towards him, aiming at his face. Unbeknownst to The Devil, the sword that flew past him was making a 180 degree turn. Even if the blade barely made a noise to make it's presence acknowledged, the sword's energy was overwhelming. Lucifer had to make a rapid decision when it was rushing back at him. Get burned by the light or get stabbed by the sword.

He looks at Michael, and although he has a stone-cold expression, there is something deeply off.

Lucifer rolls his eyes internally before turning towards the sword, and—oh fuck, the blade was much closer to him than he expected. In a panic, he grabs the weapon by the blade and chucks it to the ground.

He felt a stinging pain as the weapon cut his hands. Golden blood rushes out of the wound, but he doesn't have time to worry about that when a burning sensation boils his skin. A sharp cry of pain is ripped out of his throat when he feels light smolder his shoulder. The magic burns past his skin, down to the bone.

Lucifer snaps his head to glower at the angel. What takes him by surprise is the scared look the man has, as if he didn't want to burn him. He takes advantage of that weak point by forcefully moving the arm away and socking him in the face. Michael is sent to fly off again.

"Fuck." He can hear his skin sizzling and smoking. The protector was determined to burn through his body, which led to the light dragging down his arm. Now his arm has skin falling off of him.

A distant crash can be heard as Michael's body slams against the barrier. Lucifer tries to find the man's body, amongst many others. When he spots an area with many exorcists stopping what they're doing so they can stare at one man in the middle, he finds his target. The image of the man who pushed him into this pit, curling up into himself in pain had Lucifer riled up. He wanted to show Michael how the choice he made changed his brother, so much.

He flies down, directing his foot to a hand against the barrier. Thank fuck he learned how to fight in heels because then this exact moment wouldn't have happened. Lucifer uses his magic to sharpen the ends of his heel, making the tip pointy and honed. He infuses the shoe with magic, so if he left a mark it would be permanent. Lucifer drops all his weight as he stabs into the gloved hand.

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