Why we failed pt. 12 A Lay of Lances

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A lay of Lances

Along the fences of the arena where the commons spectated, Athelon was in an uproar preparing his initiates for the upcoming trials that would proceed after the contests. His mood more sour than usual. The lads were shoulder to shoulder at attention in formation awaiting orders.

Athelon's spit mingled in a muddy puddle on the ground as he faced the would-be guardsmen. "Has anyone have an idea where Link is? We have some last-minute preparations to go over and soon this whole circus behind me will be over. And that means the princess will be making her debut any moment now," he asked, his one good eye surveying the young men, as if to peer into their souls for the truth. "Then it will be your turn to prove yourselves. But until then, we have until this mummer's farce is over. They say I must accept three champions, one from each contest to join you lot. So, I'll ask one more time, where in Demise's hell is Link!?"

Sven, Link's loyal friend, felt a knot in his stomach, aware of that truth Athelon sought. None of the cadets moved a muscle.

The strong, bearded veteran barked again while flexing fists at his sides. "Well!?"

Sven broke, like a twig facing a storm's fury and stumbled forward hesitantly, his voice a mumble, "I...uh, I think—"

Like a lion, Athelon seized on the shivering lad like prey. The old man's war-ravaged eye locking on Sven with its terrifying cloudy haze. "What? What is it you think? C'mon, out with it boy, we haven't got all evening!"

Sven stammered, mustering courage, "He is uh, well what I mean to say is, he was with his father just before these tourneys began. I saw him, that is."

"And where is he now? He does understand what's at stake, doesn't he?" Athelon's voice boomed.

Another voice piped up from the crowd, tinged with mockery to the cackling delight of his friends standing behind him. "Perhaps he cucco'ed out. Maybe he's afraid his little tricks won't cut it when the real trials start."

"I don't remember asking you!" Athelon whirled around, growling through clenched teeth. "You best stay silent if you know what's good for you Cocksure! Don't think your family name can protect you here. I don't a give a moblin's fang whose blood you're related to. The sweet goddess from heaven above wearing nothing but a chemise can come down to tell me herself, and I still wouldn't give a damn. You got me? You're all clay in my eyes. So until the festival ends, you're mine."

The mocking boy stiffened, falling back into formation, while Athelon stormed over to return his fiery gaze on Sven, standing barely an inch away. "So, lad, I believe I asked you a question, where is Link?"

Sven gasped, his words tumbling out in a rush. "I don't know. I only spoke my mind because, I know he wants to be here. He told me that much. It's just he had some business with his father, that's the Hylia, honest truth, I swear. I'm sorry," the boy finished, now visibly shaking in his Royal Cadet armor.

Athelon stepped back, his expression shifting into a contemplative scowl. "Well, then I guess, I'll just have to have a word with the commander about that. But, if you're saying he was granted permission, then there's nothing left to it but to start our final drills without him. Though he will have a much harder time than the rest of you when the first Trial of the Flame commences." His eyes glinted mischievously at Sven. "And since you're so keen on covering for your friend, then perhaps you can be the one to help him along when the real trials begin. Apparently, he is beyond heeding my instructions and help."

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