The golden key- part 26

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the group continues in the deadlands, reaching a collection of dunes. in a dune, a door sticks out from it.

maja: this is it, the key is in there

the group walks in silence towards it, an eerie feeling fills them up every time they look at the door. maja and jana both open the door and steps lead deep down into the tomb of the golden key. nex lights a fire in their hand and makes a torch for everyone, the flames flickering as they make their way down slowly. the group reaches the bottom and see a wide open door. hundreds of human sized stone statues line the walls, each dressed as knights.
peri: this is creepy

a sound is heard. under ilianas foot, a stone pad pushes down. she moves her foot off instantly and the group looks all around to see nothing happen. then, all the statues heads turn to face the group.

nex: run!

the group runs to the opposite end of the room and one by one squeeze through the door. iliana is the second to last person.

nex: go through and close the door, find the key and get out. i will hold these off and get back to you.
iliana: come with us please

nex: i need to hold them off, now go!

iliana does as she is told as nex removes the scythe necklace. the statues stand in a phalanx, their swords pointed at nex. they stand motionless as nex then speaks.

nex(shouting): i will crush you all so leave my friends alone

the knights prepare to charge as nex raises their scythe. the ground rumbles infront of nex as arms and weapons rise out. in seconds, a wall of skeleton warriors, 300 spearmen prepare themselves in front of nex. prince wilhelm stands on nexs should as nex takes the lead of the 300 spartans.

nex(shouting to the spartans): you have died once before to protect what is right. now i ask you to fight again, to die again. now CHARGE

the army smashes into the statues, nex helping cut down the statues. the fight causes casualties and both sides pull back. they throw their weapons at each other, almost completely destroying each side, leaving just nex and a larger knight, the king. the king approaches slowly, believing to have won. nex lowers their scythe and withdraws their armour back into their body. the statue smiles, preparing to kill nex. nex then turns their arm into a cannon and blasts the statue into a thousand pieces before nex blows the smoke and returns their arm to normal. quickly, nex opens the door and races after the rest of the group.

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