nex uses a swords protruding from their hands, cutting at the barricade without using power. maja fires a shot from her bow at the spindly metal monsters; bouncing off harmlessly. they get closer, their unpredictable movements and height causing the light to shake. the eerie noise of the monsters and light movement even begin to cause the brave heros to back away in fear.
iliana: hurry, they are getting closer
the group backs completely up to nex as they smash open the door. as the group makes it through, nex places their hand on the door, fusing it completely shut. the monsters scratch and bash at the door, groaning like nails on a chalk board.
the next room is just a tunnel leading lower and lower, descending into darkness.
addi(sarcastically): of course, more creepiness
the group keeps going down, holding onto each other, iliana and addi both holding onto nex at the front as they are surprised by how cold yet hot nexs skin is.