the group runs out onto the street as panic ensues. troops rush about helping people flee as a few take up defensive positions.
iliana(speaking to a solider): whats going on
soldier jeff: we are under attack at the docks, giant ships with orcs and goblins and trolls and so many monsters. we are fucked (he starts to panic)
iliana: hey it will be ok
the group races closer to the dock and sees the invading army, the queen in her battle gear with troops attempts to hold them off.
nex( shouting): get the queen out of here and kill and monsters that break through
the group comes in and gets the queen out with a few of her troops. nex stands with the rest of the troops and the monsters take a few steps back. however, the troll captain, taller then some of the houses steps, forward.
troll captain: haha you puny humans will be killed
nex steps forwards, ushering the troops behind them.
nex(pulling out their scythe and transforming into battle armour): i have defeated ugly monsters bigger then you so piss off or i promise (nexs voice becomes scarier) i will fuck you up and you will wish you were never born
troll captain: you do not scare me, i will crush you.......
a lone arrow fires from behind the troops. the troops part as maja flanked by the rest of the group steps forward. the arrow pierces the blue heart of the troll, killing him. as he falls back, he crushes many of his troops, who quickly flee, running back to their ships. the soldiers of tumblonia and the heros give chase, killing many but some of the monsters manage to flee in their ships.