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Regular speech " Pikachu thunderbolt!"

Inner thoughts "I forgot how beautiful she was"

Arua Speech "master let me Battle"

Arceus or Pokespeech "Where is the ketchup?"

On the outskirts of Viridian City

On a sunny midafternoon, we see a young man at 17 walking through the forest on his way home to plan his next move after the biggest win of his young life, with his partner, best friend, and brother in every way but blood and species Pikachu. Walking along the path with his hands in his pockets, looking up at the sky with a smirk on his face.

"I can't wait to get home and see Mom and all my Pokemon," Ash thought to himself. " I hope to get there at supper time and Pikachu is getting that itch he gets when he hasn't had ketchup in a while.'

"Another hour Pikachu, and we'll be home I sure have missed Mom's cooking. Mrs. Cerise's was incredible, but nothing beats my mom's" Ash said with excitement in his voice. "Pika pika pi!" I know I know, she'll probably have two bottles for you in the fridge. That's all you're until tomorrow" his trainer replies.

"Pikachu pi pi Pika!" says the yellow electric mouse.

You had one before we left Brock's house this morning and one and a half when we stopped for lunch. Remember too much of a good thing is bad for you." Said Ash with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Pika..." says Pikachu

Ash chuckled at his friend conceding to limiting his ketchup consumption. Then they both hear a loud screech across from above, snapping them out of the current conversation they are having. Looking up they see two flying-type Pokemon. One with a brown body and a long neck and beak to match, the other a bit smaller with a cream-light brown body with a large yellow crest with a pinkish red color painting the outside of the crest.

"ROW ROW FEAR!" Ash hears the Fearow yell.

"GEOOOOT" the other bird replied with its chest

The next thing that happened was the Fearow took off towards the Pidgeot using a drill beak attack. The Pidgeot waited til the last possible moment until the large crested bird used a double team with the Fearow barreling through one of the clone-like images.

Upon realizing that he missed and missed horribly. The Fearow got angrier at the insult. Leading to the normal/flying type looking for the real one to take out its anger on. This gave the Pidgeot the opening it needed to go on the offensive. The Pidgeot coated its wings in a steel glow and B-lined it straight at the angry and confused Fearow. The attack struck once... twice... three times. The Fearow was battered from the attacks but not out of it yet. Fearow decided to do the same thing coating its wings in a steel glow and proceeded to attack. The problem with that was still blinded by its anger, forgetting that Pidgeot's double team was still in effect struck another clone image, then another, and then another. Until finally the attack struck home.

The images faded and Pidgeot staggered but not giving up, that which brought a shit-eating grin to Ash. Watching this battle makes Ash and Pikachu feel nostalgic. Remembering the oldest flying type and second catch. The two could tell that this Pidgeot wasn't Ash's. that was apparent once he saw the bird in the air. That revelation made Ash worried that another trainer had come through and captured his friend. Another more worrisome thought was that it was poachers or hunters that caught her.

He was broken from his thoughts when he saw Pidgeot get hit with a drill peck and fall 20 feet. Ash watched it regain its composure and shake its head of the pain.

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