burgers and beaches

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"Uuuuughh"- Ash had finally fallen asleep after everyone returned to bed. Ash was finally able to crash. He rolled over half asleep. He was stretching his hand out to grab his rotomphone for any messages.

But unbeknownst to him he accidentally hit a still sleeping Pikachu. Who abruptly woke up and sent a thunderbolt at Ash.

"AAHHHH-SSOOORRRRY-PI-KA-CHUUUU!"- Ash then falls back onto his bed and puffs out a soot cloud. "Strong as ever buddy"-Ash weakly chuckles.

"My Bad" scratches the back of his head in embarrassing sorrow.

"It's alright buddy. What time is it"- Picking up his phone he's shocked to see it was 11:00 a.m. "Damn... I guess that's what happens when you don't crash till 3 or 4 in the morning."- he mutters.

"You good?"

He shakes his head "I'm fine Pikachu, I'm probably well rested thanks to the meditation. Let's get some breaky or brunch or whatever's good at this time of day."

After a shower and getting ready for the day. Ash wore a swimsuit because he was hitting the beach and had the "I need to train" excuse ready in case his sisters would rather shop. Ash shuddered at the thought. He conceded that all the women would want to shop once they got to Paldea. He'll cross that bridge when he gets there.

Ash made his way to the Pokemon Center cafeteria to grab a moo milk and a b.e.c. sandwich. "Wonder where those two are?"- Ash made his way to his sister's room.

"Probably still asleep. You did wake them up rather late"- Pikachu chuckled at what happened last night. Ash winced a bit at that. "Let's check there. I hope they don't sleep like me"- chuckling at the thought

"If they are I'll do the Ketchum alarm clock"- Pikachu with an evil grin.

"Oof that'll be rough."- Ash laughed. They made it to the girls' room.

After knocking a couple of times, he concluded that they weren't in their rooms or were heavy sleepers. "Haha must run in the family."- Ash laughed thinking of himself and all the time the only way he'd wake up was by either Pikachu, food, or his mom.

Pulling out his phone he called Selene.

"Yo, big bro! you finally awake?"- she answered

"Yeah. Where are you two?"

"the beach that faces Lighting Island. What's it called? Oh Amberlane Beach"

"Killer, me and Pikachu will be there in 5"

"See you in a bit!"

Hanging up his phone, Ash looks at Pikachu. "I miss the beach!" "Same! I don't miss the sand being stuck in my fur and... other places"

"Yeah, those baths were a pain in the ass, but worth it. Especially for training." They both share a grin at the memories of Alola and the other beaches they visited.

The beach finally came into view and Ash could hold in his excitement much longer, so he just started running. Pikachu hopped off his shoulder, did a quick attack to get in front of him.

"Hey, no fair. Haha"

"Sucks to be you"

Hilda was with Cubone building a sandcastle while Emboar, Fearow, and Braviary were sitting in the sun. Swampert, Corsola, and Gyarados were swimming around close to shore Selene, Decidueye, Nidorina, and both Eevee were playing with a beach ball. Hilda looked up and spotted Ash and Pikachu. "Finally decide to drag your lazy ass outa bed?"- Hilda wasn't a morning person especially when she's suddenly woken up 4 hours before she's willing to get up.

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