New Region Blues

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Regular speech " Pikachu thunderbolt!"

Inner thoughts "I forgot how beautiful she was"

Aura/ bond Speech "Master let me Battle"

Arceus or Pokespeech "Where is the ketchup?"

"What do y'all know about the Paldea Region?"

The group looked at Red with a mixture of confusion and excitement. The trainers were excited to hear about a new region, while Leaf, Delia, and Yellow were confused but intrigued.

"I've never heard of it", "what are the Pokémon like?" "Have you ever been there? I'm challenging the league!" Ash, Hilda, and Selene kept firing off question after question about the new Region. The adults chuckled at their kid's reaction. It was the same reaction they always got after they got home from a region, always itching to go on their next adventure. Delia felt this more than the other two with Ash having gone to 9 Regions.

"Paldea has been closed off to anyone wanting to travel there, and the people there aren't allowed to leave for some reason. Those that do are generally punished severely. Researchers, Professors, and trainers have been denied entry into the Region for the last 150-200 years. Nobody knows why." Yellow said her interest peaked. It's a researcher's dream to research throughout a whole new Region.

"What? Nobody has gone there that long? What happened?" Hilda asked in astonishment. Why would a whole region keep people from entering their Region? The people from Hoenn and Sinnoh were proud to show off their home to visitors, and the PLA always went all out for each League.

"No... the Region's been practicing isolationism for the last what 150, 200 years? They haven't let anyone from other Regions in since then. Every professor and researcher I know has tried to go to, or at least get some sort of data from there but we've been met with hard noes from their Chairman, School Director, and Champion. So, everyone has pretty much given up on it." Leaf said. "I remember Samuel being on the phone for hours with the director of the school, trying to at least go to the school for a lecture, but like everyone else he was denied?" said Delia with her finger on her chin.

"They wouldn't even let Prof. Oak go there?" Selene said, surprised. She figured if anything Prof. Oak would've at least had minimum access to a closed-off Region. Now that she was in his hometown she hoped to meet him.

"No. I remember him being irritated and brooding for days after every phone call with a representative from Paldea. Blue told us to let him cool off before approaching him." Delia said. She felt like she was walking on eggshells after Prof. Oak was done talking to them about research opportunities.

"So, what's the deal are they sending someone to talk to Oak or are they doing some sort of documentary?" Yellow said she was eager to hear what the hell Paldea was doing. They were annoying to talk to and tried to act honorable and superior whenever they say whatever bullshit excuse of why they wouldn't let anything in or out of the Region.

She had her suspicions. It had to be bigger than Mega Evolution or Dynamex because Kalos and Galar have been forthcoming with their Regions gimmicks. Hell, even Alola would share data for Z-moves with anyone interested. Thanks to Ash defeating Leon using a Z-Move, researchers and trainers started heading to Alola. Starting a league and Ash becoming the Champion also helped the flow into the Region.

"Right, you are my dear. I was called to Lumiose City about two weeks ago where I met up with the Chairman and Champion of Paldea" Red said trying to hide the smugness on his face being able to meet face-to-face with a rep whereas no one has ever got the opportunity.

"Well, what the fuck did they have to say?" Delia demanded. She wants to know on Sam's behalf and maybe he'll finally get what pissed him off so many times it got to be annoying to her and the other assistants. She remembers Elm going bald because he was nervous to talk to him about anything, poor bastard is still bald.
"Calm down, calm down I'm getting to it." The aura patriarch said reassuringly. he scratched his Pikachu behind the ears, the pokemon letting out a small "chaaa" "The woman's name is Geeta, she's the Chairman and the Champion of Paldea's league. She along with Director Clavell of the Naranja Academy wants to try an open Paldea up to the world" he said letting that set in for a minute. "They had to do a lot and I mean a lot of heated discussions before they could even approach someone." "And that someone just so happens to be you then huh Dad?" Ash smirked thinking and hoping of where this was going. "Well of course son, I'm trusted by a lot of people from a lot of places and Geeta and Clavell know of this,"

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