Chapter 4: from

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When we got back a girl with two brown braids each on her shoulders and a palm like leaf tattoo on her neck that could be barely seen as she had the school's weird shirt on was there.

"Hi! I'm Pentuna, I'll be your guide while you're adjusting here at the school, do you have any nicknames you go by? I know some people like nicknames." She said in a rush of sugary words like a Hephaestus kid getting some skittles.

I told her my name because I don't like nicknames with random people I barely know after I adjusted my mood to her energy which was the size of the sun, she is really hyper. Kinda reminds me of myself when I'm talking about a hyper fixation of mine.

"Well it's nice to meet you Shirley!" She said as she looked at a piece of a packet. She read the paper slowly while I just stood there awkwardly with my hands in my pockets to not press my thumbs while the principal left, I wish I could but I don't want to hurt Pentuna because no one ever needs that. When she was done she says, "looks like we're roommates!" She grabbed my hand, which was strangely strong like a child of Demeter's or of Hephaestus or strangely enough all the Iris kids,  and pulled me along while I struggled to keep up. Like the nonathletic klutz I am who can't do anything right.


As she opened the door I immediately saw that her side of the room was full of plants, gardening tools, green wallpaper, therapy books, pictures of people who I could guess are probably her friends or family though the blonde boy looks familiars but I ignored it because it's just probably just a coincidence.  When I looked on "my" (supposedly) side of the room, all I could see was a white wall, average bed with no sheets on yet, and some pillows. Pentuna's eyes narrowed into what looked like little slits in her face when she saw "my" side, "the side of the room of a new student is usually done when the student arrived to fit their personality but it looks like it hadn't yet." She looked at me and added, "don't worry it probably will be done when we get back from dinner." Oh my gods it's dinner already, I barely even had breakfast.

I put my backpack down on the bed to follow her lead when she asked when the rest of my stuff was coming. "This is it, I only carry the necessities in my backpack and some personal stuff," I told her which just made her eyes grow more in curiosity.  After a little bit of Pentuna staring off into space we went to go get dinner.

"Whats your mark? I'm sure it's really cool," Pentuna asked, her eyes becoming filled with curiosity that was shown with the glints of yellow in her hazelnut eyes.

"Umm..." I said not knowing what to say to make sure the attention wouldn't be on me, "the broken and sewn heart," I mumbled hoping that she wouldn't ask more questions.


"Soo..." I said while tapping my leg, "what's your mark?" I was hoping this would let me not have attention on me. She explained that her mark was a leaf like I saw and that her power is that she can grow plants but she grows plants around her when scared. As we continued to walk she kept asking me questions like, my favorite color or movie or..... you get it right reader? Hopefully. I kept on deflecting the questions because I don't like to answer questions that are personal.

When we got to the lunch room behind kinda heavy doors I was surprised by how cozy it was with little kids running around, friends laughing and playing games like Monopoly or Life and even Pinochle which is very long especially when you have played the game with your really old cousin because of his dad being a cheater and loving to have affairs, older kids were studying by the crackling fire, drawing, writing, pushing their friends hands into water, also a boy around my age was trying to wrestle his I think sister to the ground and was winning. Also there were no normal lunch room hospital-like tables but small antique ones that were next to too soft chairs.

"Come on, " Pentuna said as she pulled me towards the food, "this way!"  Once we both got our foods I beelined to the only hard chair in a corner where nobody else was because I wanted some space and a chair I wouldn't be struggling to sit in. Luckily Pentuna didn't see and sat down near her other friends, many of them were girls but a good 1/3 of them were boys. I started to eat my food which was ramen packet noodles with veggies (they have a lot of different stuff) and some water to drink. It was delicious, the lunch people, Fred, George, and Charlie were so good at their job.

After I was done with my food I went to put my bowl into the tub labeled for bowls (duh) when Pentuna spotted me. She waved her hands trying to get mg attention and we're more bigger as I tried to ignore her. When I finally gave up she motioned with her hands for me to come over and sit next to her.  I went over hoping that she just wanted to introduce me to her friends.

"This is Shirley, my new roommate," she told the others.

"Hi?" I said awkwardly putting my hands again in the back of my pocket and having my back straight like a ruler. They all introduced themselves to me but I wasn't listening. I didn't want to be a part of the conversation so I tried to count the tiles but that didn't work then I just decided to look at the swirls in the design of the wood. Like any normal person they started to ask questions but it was more like background noise. After they were done asking the questions Pentuna was answering happily I focused back agin as they asked me if I wanted to play truth or dare which I agreed to play.

When it was my turn Pentuna looked at me and asked truth or dare, I chose truth like the coward I am. "What is...." She thought long and hard for a little bit before asking, "what is your least favorite color in the whole world?"

"Purple," I said plainly though on the inside I was shivering from the memories of seeing Nero manipulate Meg in many ways like making her think him and him "more" evil were two different people, or that he wants to harm me because of my religion, or when he got Meg back and he put Meg in his colors and looking prim and proper. She had been looking like a fish out of water and scared. I shook away the memories and put on a fake smile.

"Why?" Pentuna asked tilting her head.

"Just doesn't feel..... right," I said ,"truth or dare to you, Turtle," luckily change in subject worked on the others but Pentuna still kept looking at me not fully believing my lie.

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Once everyone was tired everyone went their separate ways as we went to our room. As we walked the halls she asked me how I was liking the school and I told her just fine.

Then we came to our room and walked in through the raven colored doors.

Thanks for reading this

Also together have met 2 of the three in the main trio in this book.

If someone is up to the challenge try to comment anything on any paragraph I have and correct me if I get a word misspelt.

If you could be allergic to once thing what would it be?

Also remember you can ask me questions about anything that is connected to this book or my questions.

Bye! Don't get eatan by monsters.

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