Chapter 11: Home

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"Since today is only the first day of school, I want you guys to just do this All About Me packet so then I can learn more about you. If you need anything please..."

I stopped listening after that and looked only at my desk while waiting for the packet to appear. Pentuna has been trying to get my attention but I didn't want to talk to her, I wanted to finish the packet and read a book because Mrs.Snow had a ton of books. I'm not dyslexic though having dyslexia isn't bad I just thought you, the reader might be confused ,maybe, I'm not entirely sure.

After a couple more minutes I heard the plop of the packet on my desk. I looked it over and saw what it said, it had 4 pages with 5 questions on each page so 20 questions. (For you wonderers of what the questions were here you go.)

All about me!!!
1. What is your favorite subject?
2. What's your name?
3. Do you have a nickname?
4. Are you left or right handed?
5. Do you have any pets?

6. Do you like to read?
7. Do you enjoy school?
8. What hobbies do you have?
9. What's your favorite color?
10. Do you have any allergies?

11. What's your favorite food?
12. What's your least favorite color?
13. What's your least favorite food?
14. Do you have any fears? If so what are they?
15. What makes you feel happy?

16. What makes you sad?
17. What makes you mad?
18. Do you have any siblings?
19. How would you describe yourself in three words or less?
20. How are you feeling right now?

I could tell that Mrs. Snow probably just found some random questions but it was still thoughtful of her doing that for us instead of giving us a generic kindergarten one. I still answered the questions on the packet but like always I made sure to withhold some information so then I wouldn't worry anyone because why would anyone need to worry about me?

After I finished I started to doodle a person,  Lexi to be exact who is one of the newer Aphrodite kids, I had only gotten done with her hair when I heard a voice say, "Hey, that's really good. I never thought you would be an artist, you seem more of a reader or a boxer. How did you learn to draw that good Shirley?"

I looked up and saw Pentuna again with her beautiful lips and face, yah she has an amazing face and really cool hair and nails that were painted blue. My cheeks flushed red with the compliment. "Th-Then my eyes furrowed in confusion, "Boxer?"

"Remember, after you are done with your All About Me packet, you'll be sharing with you *hiccup* r answers with the person to your right."

Great, Pentuna was going to have to deal with me. I turned to her but I didn't look at her face I just stared at her shoes that were very colorful and creative, just like the rest of her outfit. "Are you done with your form yet?" I asked to not seem so awkward because of how long I stared at her shoes.

"Do you mean the packet? And yes I am done with it." I looked down at her shoes again in embarrassment this time.

"Okay, what were your answers for the packet?" My voice came off rude which I wasn't trying to sound but that's what you get with me every once in a while.

"Okay. I love science and physiology though I love most of the subjects but math is hard, my name is Pentuna Pip Solace though my last name use to be Parker before my dad got remarried 2 month ago to my wonderful stepmother who isn't like the stepmother from Cinderella, my friends call me leafy or Bunny because I like lettuce and they call me Enid from the Wednesday tv show because of how much I dress like her, I was born ambidextrous though I have met many people who learned to become ambidextrous which is so awsome, and I have a pet lizard named Charlie though if you ever meet him you have to watch out for his teeth because he is a biter."

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